UPDATE: This is why I love all of you, each and every one of you! Thanks so much for the comments. I know it seemed like a simple question but my instinct was just to grab a big trash can and pitch everything. I've decided to throw away the mats and donate the other pieces. We have an AMVETS drop off near our house, so I'm going to take them there. Thanks again!
I need your help friends! You know how I'm in the middle of redoing the bathrooms? OK, well maybe you don't remember, but I've been in the long process of trying to redo the master bath and the kids' bath.
My question is...what do I do with the old stuff. Do I throw away the bath mat and trash can from the college days for hold onto them? Do I try and sell the duck bath stuff that is 7 years old or just let them hit the trash can?
Please answer...I need all the help I can get. I'm big on throwing things away, but I want to make a smart decision.
Judah on Trial
20 hours ago
I'm one to either donate or give to friends. The old bath mat from college? I think that one might find it's way to the garbage... this all coming from someone who loves to find deals at garage sales but who HATES having a garage sale.
I would give everything away to a local charity. I found a great charity here that gives all the items donated to veterans. You would be surprised what people might need and what you might think is garbage, someone else can get a lot of use out of. The charity I donate to is AMVETS - I think it is national and if they have a chapter near you they pick up. If things are in good enough condition I will sell on ebay but everything else gets donated. Enjoy your new bathrooms!
If they are in useable condition, I would take them to the Goodwill or Salvation Army. Then you know that someone who may not be able to get anything else will be getting a matching set.
I think it probably depends on how worn it is! If it is something that you would buy at a garage sale, then I say donate it to a charity...goodwill or something like that. If you wouldn't want to buy it at a garage sale, then I would probably trash it and say it has done it's job well!
I agree completely with the great comments above!
I like taking everything here to the salvation army if it's still usable.
I'm with Kelli...if it's already served it's life...RIP! ;) Good luck...can't wait to see the finished projects! Come visit and help me next! LOL!
I always say donate or toss...especially if it's that old. Don't forget that a bathroom is a moist area in general...I'm always a little concerned that stuff will get a bit moldy.
Donate it! :) That's what we do with everything we no longer use. What if someone else could use it? Then throwing it away would be a waste... Plus, you can write it off on taxes!!
Throw it out!!!!! You are working so hard on getting organized. Don't make more work for yourself.
I would donate whatever you aren't going to use. Someone else might really need a bath mat or whatever and will be so grateful. I would either give it to a charity like Goodwill or put it up on freecycle and someone will come and get it.
I had a really old tv that I thought no one would want and I put it on freecycle. It turns out that a really cute young single mom came and was thrilled to take it!
Maybe you should just give it away...When I don't have use for it, and it's a pain to sell, I just donate it to charity. :)
If it is still in ok condition, I usually sell it at a yard sale. If it doesn't sell, I give it to our local second hand store. Although, I would much rather throw it all away and be done with it.
Someone less fortunate than you can always use it!
I would give it away to a family that really needs it. But if it is pretty used and it won't be a blessing to someone else I would throw it in the trash and start new. I feel by throwing it away it helps me get rid of it when I am in mood to clean house, other wise I seem to hold onto things way to long.
I hope this rambling helps.
Goodwill, all the way! Get it OUT!! You'll feel SO much better. :)
Well I see it's all pretty much been written but my first response was to throw it away. It's probably worn and it feels so good to just get rid of things. But then I did think a little bit more and it would probably also be an equally good idea to try and donate anything that might be usable.
I wouldn't trash it. Goodwill, baby!
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