Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Jamison lost her first tooth! OK, so I'm a little late posting this because she lost it on Friday. And the other part of the story is that she actually lost the tooth. It fell out after she came home from school. Aunt Roni searched everywhere but the tooth was nowhere to be found. Jamison was very sad until I told her the I could still send a message to the Tooth Fairy and so she'd still get her money.

These pictures aren't very good. It's times like this when I wish I knew how to really use my camera or maybe even had a better camera...anyways. The pictures also aren't that good because since Jamison's tooth took FOREVER (since August) to come out, the other tooth is already 1/2 way in. So, it's the bottom tooth on her right (your left). The one next to it is really loose too and the other tooth is coming in behind that one.

What's the going rate for the Tooth Fairy anyways? She gave Jamison $1.


Mike and Katie said...

Yeah, that's about right. Our kids got a dollar if it fell out and $5 if it had to be pulled.

Kelli said...

Way to go Jamison!!! Go girl! :)

Shelly said...

Hi, Kelli! I'd love to answer your question that you posted in my comments, but your email doesn't show up on your blog or on your comment. Could you email me so I can respond? My email is in my profile, or you can just leave another comment with it. Thanks! Looking forward to discussing this with you!
Have a blessed weekend...

Nicole said...

Kelli, Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog! I love meeting new blog friends :) I actually grew up in Ohio and come from a big buckeye family! but I marriend a sweet man that loves the Irish! You have a very adorable family! Keep stopping by I really appreciate the comments! sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment, life just gets busy as I am sure you know :) Have a great weekend!

Lindsay said...

Hey there. I tried to see if I could email you, but I couldn't see where I could. Maybe I just missed something. Anyway, I would recommend to a person starting out in photography to get the lowest level DSLR camera either by Nikon or Canon. I use Canon, so I don't know anything about Nikon. But if she went with Canon, she could go with the Canon Digital Rebel xti and it would be a great starting camera for her. The key with those digital cameras is getting a good lens. The camera matters, but not as much as the lens. Anyway, I know this is a really long "comment." The Rebel is a good enough camera to do a little professional stuff but it's not too complicated to learn. That would be my suggestion. Hope that helps.