Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook - December 28, 2009
Outside my window...snowy and grey. We got our snow yesterday, about 2-3 inches.
I am thinking...about my frustration with Jamison. She has been going through a not listening phase and speaking in a tone that is not appropriate. I can handle the normal kid not listening stuff but she is taking it to a whole new level. I have been in a lot of prayer to figure out what is going on with her and how to teach her to be kind to others (especially her brother).
I am thankful...for a joyous Christmas.
I am praying...for parenting guidance.
I am reading...Captivating...still. I haven't had time to read but I plan on it this week now that the holiday hustle is over.
I am hoping...that Kroger makes turkeys after the holidays. I am having a big dinner on New Year's Day and I want to have turkey, but I'm not brave enough to make it myself. I know that Kroger (our local grocery store) makes turkeys for the holidays and I hope they still will for New Years.
From the kitchen...I have no plans other than dinner for New Years...turkey (?), dressing, mac and cheese, green beans and sweet potato pie. YUM!
Around the house...the tree is down and the decorations are put away. Yes, we took it all down Saturday evening. The house was a mess and needed to be put back to normal. We organized the new toys and put some old toys in a box to be donated. Time to clean up for the New Year!!!
One of my favorite things...the faces of my family when they opened gifts they really liked.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Clean, organize, rest, hang out with Lyndsey/Amber and their families for New Year's Eve.
What's in your daybook?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas 2009 - The Extended Version, with Bonus Features
I thought I'd share our Christmas festivities with you. On Christmas Eve we went to the "family friendly" service at our church. Our pastor "Uncle Steve" read the kids the story of Christmas as they gathered around him at the front of the church (he was even in a rocking chair)...it was really cute.
After service we went to my cousin's house to celebrate Christmas with my mom's side of the family. Ever since my mom was little Christmas was celebrated at my great-grandmother's house on Christmas Eve. I remember going there when I was little in my pjs and staying up until after midnight to open gifts. The tradition of going to her house ended when Gramma got too sick to have us over and she passed away two years ago (at the ripe young age of 99!). But, we have continued to get together...to keep the tradition going. We've had some off years but I'm sure we'll get it together soon. It was nice to get everyone together (except Aunt Roni who was sick).
Here are my babies on Christmas Eve at cousin Shanette's house:
Here they are in their Christmas pjs:
After we were done opening gifts and settling down a bit I remembered that Jamison had a gift for us from school. It was in a brown paper bag that she decorated. In the bag was this note (along with an ornament that she made):

While we all received wonderful gifts, it was also a day to remember the best gift of all...Jesus. I know I am guilty of getting wrapped (ha, ha) up in the presents, food, etc., but I pray to continue throughout the year to remember why we celebrate.
How was your Christmas?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
You've Got Mail
I think it is safe to show you the card that I made this year for Christmas. It is a pretty simple card, but I had a lot of fun making them and I hope people enjoyed it.
What kind of card did you do this year?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Blocks
I decided to spell CHRISTMAS using wooden blocks covered in holiday scrapbook paper.
I used my Cricut to cut out the letters (I love that machine!). Then I cut out squares to fit on each side of the block and glued the pieces using Mod Podge. I glued one letter per block and added another layer of Mod Podge on top of the paper for a finished look.
Here's the result:
Monday, December 21, 2009
5-Flavor Pound Cake
I hope you enjoy:
5 Flavor Cake
2 sticks butter, softened 5 eggs, well beaten
½ cup shortening 3 cups flour
3 cups sugar ½ tsp baking powder
1 cup milk
1 tsp each of vanilla, lemon, almond, rum, coconut
For glaze:
1 cup sugar
½ cup water
1 tsp each of vanilla, lemon, almond, rum, coconut
Beat butter, shortening & sugar
Add eggs, milk & baking powder, stir
Gradually add flour
Add flavors, stir
Grease Bundt pan & lightly shower with flour (don't use Pam for baking...doesn't work!)
Pour batter into pan
Bake at 325 for 1 ¼ hours (checking every 5 minutes during the last 15 minutes)
You know the cake is done when you poke it with a toothpick and the toothpick comes out clean
Remove cake from pan and cool on plate
For glaze:
In a saucepan add sugar, water & flavors
Bring to a boil
Stir until sugar is melted
Poke holes in cake with toothpick
Pour glaze on top of cake
The Simple Woman's Daybook - Monday, December 21, 2009
Outside my window...snowy and gray. We don't have a lot of snow, just enough to cover the grass. While driving through my neighborhood I saw a ton of snowmen from the snow we got on Saturday.
I am thinking...I would like to be at home right now. There are some cards I want to make and I am in the mood to make cookies. Maybe next year I'll take this time off.
I am thankful...for my church. I love, love, LOVE my church. Yesterday's service was just wonderful and unique. There was no sermon, just praise songs and segments talking about the different characters in the story of Jesus' birth. My church really makes Scripture come alive!
I am reading...Captivating. I haven't had a whole lot of time to read. I hope to catch up on some reading this weekend.
I am hoping...that we have a smooth week and continue to remember the true meaning of this special holiday.
From the kitchen...Last night I made chicken tetrazzini (which is fast becoming a favorite), appetizers for Christmas Eve and turkey and all the fixings Christmas Day. Last night Rondell made a 5-flavor cake. I'll post the recipe soon.
Around the house...the gifts are still hidden in their secret place.
One of my favorite things...Christmas morning...I can't wait!
A few plans for the rest of the week...we have a Christmas dinner with friends tonight, finishing up some cards, going to Christmas Eve service and then to my uncle's, enjoying Christmas morning!
How you you today...share here.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Little Q&A
1. If you could change anything about your physical appearance, what would it be?
Your turn!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
School Christmas Activities
Jamison and I both made something for her teacher:
How did you wrap up your week?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Goodbye...So Long
There is a judge who is retiring at the end of the year and I decided to make a card for her that my entire department can sign.