Thursday, October 30, 2008
Gotta Catch Up
Happy Thursday!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Growing up I did not get sick (stomach) really at all. I can remember twice. When I was 8 weeks pregnant with Jamison I had the worst stomach flu ever and that began the fear. As you know having kids means illness. I can deal with fevers, injuries, colds, asthma, etc, but the when it comes to the stomach flu I would rather run out the door. It's so yucky and smelly...ok, sorry.
Well last night Caleb started showing signs of having a virus. Rondell was not at home and I freaked out (luckily my friend Janna was there at the start and helped to take my mind off of it. Sorry that you had to see me that way Janna!). Caleb wanted me to hold him so badly and I couldn't. How bad is that? I just sat on the kitchen floor (because that floor would be easier for Rondell to clean up in case of vomit) with Caleb leaning against me with his back to me (because if he did throw up it would be on the floor and not me). SAD!!! This is nothing I'm proud of and it kind of makes me sad that I react this way.
I called Ron and he was on his way home. By the time he came home Caleb was asleep (this time with me laying blankets on me and then letting him lay on me). I slept downstairs. I went to work today and Ron stayed home (bless him). All day I've been calling to check in and Caleb has basically been asleep all day (poor little guy). And what's all I can think about...going home and staying away. SAD.
Pray for me, I want to be that mom that just let's it roll off her back.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My Daddy Endorsed Obama

The Final Game

Jamison and her new friend Addi. I think it's so cute how these two clicked instantly and all on their own.
After each game they do a tunnel and the kids run through. It's so cute!
Whoops, look out for Addi.
Here's Dylan, my friend Janna's little boy.
My little star!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Verdict Is In :(
This is my vent...I really wanted that position, HR Manager. I feel like I worked pretty hard in preparing for the interview and ultimately the job. My position now is one that is very in tune with our judges and employees and I REALLY thought that would be huge for the HR Manager. Sigh.
So, the letter we got before the first interview said that if we were chosen for a second interview we would hear by no later than Friday. So, of course since Tuesday I was on pins and needles. I didn't feel really great about how my interview went but I was hopeful. So by Thursday I had heard nothing and so I was beginning to doubt because I knew my boss would not be in on Friday (he's the one who makes the decision with the assistance of the others on the interview panel). Friday morning another person who also applied told me she got a letter in her interoffice mailbox that said thanks but no thanks, but I got nothing. Then I was a little hopeful that maybe I would get a call (well basically that someone would come over to my desk and tell me that I made it to the second round)...but that never happened. So I left work so very unsure.
I text my boss and asked him if he was waiting to tell me the bad news in person (because I just couldn't stand it anymore). He finally text me back today to say "yes, it was how he thought it should be handled with me. Sorry it didn't work out." BUMMER.
I'm so sad I didn't get it and I'm trying to stay positive (especially since I hate to be sad around my kids), but I am in a funk! I also don't like that he didn't tell me before, because then the silence just kind of spoke for itself and I had to put two and two together on my own. I feel like I deserved more than that. I thought our professional relationship as his personal assistant was at a place where he would've pulled me aside and just let me know. I'm disappointed in that too.
Finally, I think 'gosh, the people who interviewed me are people who I work with everyday and they didn't think I could do the job.' It is a bit of a kick in the gut. Don't get me wrong I am sure that there were well qualified candidates but I would like to think that they would have at least thought harder about whether or not I could do it, and be good at it. that that's off my chest, I need to move on and remember that this is just a season in my life. It's not the end...there are other things out there. Now I just have to find it because I can't sit at my desk and do nothing all day much longer. I'm worth more.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

These pictures aren't very good. It's times like this when I wish I knew how to really use my camera or maybe even had a better camera...anyways. The pictures also aren't that good because since Jamison's tooth took FOREVER (since August) to come out, the other tooth is already 1/2 way in. So, it's the bottom tooth on her right (your left). The one next to it is really loose too and the other tooth is coming in behind that one.
What's the going rate for the Tooth Fairy anyways? She gave Jamison $1.
8 Things
8 Shows I Love to Watch
1. Lost (January can't get here fast enough)
2. Criminal Minds
3. Grey's Anatomy (even though I haven't watched once this whole season yet)
4. Jon and Kate Plus 8
5. Desperate Housewives
6. The Young and the Restless
7. Without a Trace
8. Private Practice
8 Things that Happened Yesterday
1. I had a job interview (still praying)
2. Went to the Gelhaus' for some play time
3. Rondell had to work
4. Caleb didn't eat dinner
5. Got to read my book
6. Missed a good photo opportunity (see below post)
7. Cut out coupons
8. Saw Rondell's aunt at Subway
8 Favorite Places to Eat
1. Cheesecake Factory
2. Giordano's Pizza in Chicago
3. Chipotle
4. Tommy's Pizza
5. Abuelo's
6. Fish Market for brunch (they don't have it anymore but it was so good)
7. Outback
8. Anywhere that Marja's mom is cooking (her mom is the best cook)
8 Things I am Looking Forward to
1. My growing relationship with God
2. Destin in May
3. The holiday season
4. Getting my debt paid off
5. My birthday
6. Watching my kids grow
7. Quiet time with Rondell
8. A time when my house is organized
8 Things on My Wish List
1. Growth as a Christian
2. To continue to be a good wife and mother
3. To be able to go to Destin every year
4. Pay off all of our debt
5. For my kids to stay healthy and happy
6. To get the job I interviewed for
7. An organized home
8. To worry less
4 People I Tag
1. Lacie
2. Kelli
3. Jamie
4. Katie
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How to People do it
At least I have the picture in my head.
How do you all capture "those moments?"
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Our Weekend
On Saturday the kids went with Maw Maw (Rondell's mom) to a pumpkin patch and they got their faces painted and everything. They were so excited (and tired) when they got home that night. I was able to get some cleaning done and relax and enjoy a good book!
Sunday was church and we got to see two of our favorite people...Marja and Mila.
Caleb trying to give Gramma Lee a taste.
Caleb gettin a little taste. If you look closely you can see the apple juice hanging from his chin.
Jamison loved the sampling part too! She's ready to bake some pies with Rondell (he's the baker in our house).
After we got home Jamison had a movie date with the little boy that lives next door. I think they watched probably 20 minutes of the movie, of course, and then it was outside to swing.
We should all sleep really well tonight.
AND...I'm off tomorrow!!!!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Say a Little Hello
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Please, please, please
Currently I work as a secretary for the Municipal Court. The main reasons that I like my job are...I work for a person that I respect, one of my closest friends works down the hall, and I am the go-to person for information (I like to be needed). I don't like my job because I have A LOT of down time, I don't get to utilize my degree, I don't feel like I'm making an impact on the Court, and I'm bored (because did I mention I have a lot of down time).
So, recently I applied for a new position, HR Manager. I wasn't sure about applying at first because I don't have any true HR training. But, after a lot of prayer and thought, I decided to apply. In preparation for my possible interview (which is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14) I realized how much I would love to have the position. I would still be a go-to person, I'd be able to help with the process of our administration, I would be able to be creative to help develop a better HR program (I need to be writing these things down!) and I would still work for a person who I respect (same boss).
That is why I'm asking for a little (well, a lot) of prayer that I get the job. It's going to be hard because there were a lot of qualified people who applied (with actual HR experience), but I know the Court, work well with its employees, and want to make a change here.
So, please, please, please pray for me. And pray that it is not in God's will for me to have it that I can be satisfied in that.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Prayer Needed

Ahh Friday
Most Fridays you will find me at home doing NOTHING! Fridays to me mean coming home, changing into comfortable clothes, not worrying too much about dinner (mostly having pizza...I'm so glad Columbus has good non-chain pizza places) and relaxing. We usually let the kids watch TV while they eat dinner and we just play, enjoy each other's company, don't worry about baths (we do that Saturday morning), and stay up a little later. I love it.
Since Rondell has been at Best Buy part-time he has worked every Friday. This is not a big deal to me because Fridays are so laid back. Well, tonight he is off. It is so nice to just have him back in our Friday routine, hanging out, no worries, casual dinner (we had burgers on the grill) and just being a family without all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the next day.
Right now the kids are winding down and Rondell and I are going to catch up on some DVR/Tivo stuff (mainly Grey's Anatomy!). So relaxing!
What do you like about Fridays?
My Mom's Twin

My mom and her "twin"
Today a great lady passed away, my great aunt Bernice. Aunt Bernice was my grandfather's little sister. My grandfather, who passed away when I was about 5, had two sisters, an older sister Dorothy and Bernice. My great aunt Dorothy passed away suddenly two years ago. Aunt Bernice and Aunt Dorothy were the matriarchs of my family. They were the best of friends, spending everyday together from morning until Jeopardy went off, and Aunt Bernice had a really hard time when Aunt Dorothy passed away as you can imagine. But she never lost her spark. Aunt Bernice was a feisty woman! I used to always tease my mom telling her that the family secret is that she's really Aunt Bernice's daughter because they look so much alike (Aunt Bernice only had boys so I'd tell Mommy that she didn't want any girls so she gave Mommy to her brother). She will be truly missed.