Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Let's Be Honest...

I miss this!

Bring on windows, blue skies, fresh air, playing outside, gardening, grilling out, sunshine...I'm ready :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Weekend Joy

For today...

Outside my window...SUNNY!  It looks like it's going to be our only sunny day this week so I'm going to soak up every minute :)  I'm grateful that my office space has a window.

I am thinking...about my wonderful weekend.  It was relaxing, productive, sunny, and time well spent with friends...some of my favorite things.

I am thankful...for all of the wonderful help I had on Saturday when I picked up Girl Scout cookies for Jamison's entire troop.  Five moms and their girls all made the time to come over and help sort and organize.  I felt such a wonderful sense of community and it made the task easy to manage.

**This is a fraction of the delivery...there's plenty more on the other side of my dining area**

In the kitchen...Rondell made his famous (to me) chili.  It is absolutely delicious!  We also recently purchased glass containers to store our food in and over this next week we are planning on getting rid of all of our plastic containers.  I am so excited about that...I guess it's the little things.

I am favorite long sleeve shirt.  It's charcoal of my secondary favorite colors (along with orange).

I am become a co-leader for Jamison's Girl Scout troop.  This is something I never thought I would do but it is becoming more of an interest of mine and I'm so grateful that I am able to help.

I am wondering...about this blog and where I'm going with it.  Most days I have nothing, but at the same time I miss it.  I also realize that I don't take enough pictures...and what's a blog post without pictures.  I really need to pray about whether or not to continue.  In a lot of ways it keeps me connected to those precious friends who I've met through blogging, but I'm wondering if now we can also be connecting in other ways...emails, texts, letters.  I'm not sure...

I am reading... Unglued and it is fantastic so far.  I see it being placed in my 'must read again and again' pile.

I am looking forward to...Spring Break!

Around the's filled with Girl Scout cookies.  It is going to take a while to get all of Jamison's boxes sorted and delivered.

One of my favorite things...snail mail.  I'm working on getting into the habit of sending 'just because' mail because it's a little forgotten.  How fun to open your mailbox to find a little token of someone's appreciation. I love it and plan to do it more often.  I sent out a few last week :)

A few plans for the rest of the week...library, cleaning Jamison's room, reading to Caleb's class and spending less time checking my phone ;)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Randoms

~ So yesterday was Valentine's absolute favorite day of the year (even over Christmas and my birthday!).  Typically I send out cards and spoil my friends and family...I love it.  But this year I had nothin'...gasp.  I even bought Valentines for my kids to pass out at school (nothing against store bought, I just like to make them).  I'm giving myself a little grace this year though.  I'm thinking of having a random day as my "Valentine's Day...The Sequel"  How fun would that be?

~ I gave up Facebook for Lent.  If I'm being totally honest, I should have given up all social media...but Facebook is a good step.  It takes up too much of my time, allows me to let untruths creep in, and my focus needs to be on Him and my family.

~  With that, I'm really looking to fill that time with His Word.  I've been listening to sermons by Louie Giglio and I'm really enjoying them.  And I'm going to start Beth Moore's Breaking Free.

~ I lost 20lbs!  I'm so thrilled and it motivates me to kick it up a notch :)  I still have a long way to go but I'll take this victory!

~  I've been trying to get to the post office to mail some goodies for two weeks!!!  What is it about the post office that it makes me drag my feet?  I'm going tomorrow...rain, sleet or snow (which in Ohio we could get all the same day).

~ I recently ordered these 50 Promises cards from Summer.  I hope this helps me to memorize Scripture and it's great to have these reminders right at my fingertips.

~  I finished a book!!  I've neglected my love for reading and a friend let me borrow this and I was instantly hooked.  I've never read any of his books, but after reading this one I may just have to go and pick up another.

~  Enough random...Happy Friday Friends :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For today...

Outside my window...sunshine!  I can't tell you how much sunshine brings me JOY :)

I am thinking...still about friendships.  I'll have to elaborate about that one day.

I am thankful...for today's sunshine.

In the kitchen...busted!  I have no meals planned for this week.  Our weekend got away from us and we didn't even go to the store.  I think Rondell and I will do some fast planning tonight.

I am for a few people who have ordered them from me.

I am BSF tonight.  It was cancelled last week due to weather.  This year will be my last year for a while, as the upcoming studies are ones that I have done before.  It will be strange not going there on Monday nights next year.

I am reading...Safe Haven!  This book is really should read it.  I always have to read the book before seeing the movie...anyone else like that?

I am hoping...that Spring arrives sooner than later.

I am looking forward to...reading my book tonight after BSF...always a sign of a good book.

I am learning...that my security is in Him and Him alone.  It's a daily struggle.

Around the house...there's a new basketball hoop in our driveway.  Hopefully there will be time to break it in a little this week.

A favorite quote for today...'I have to make the choice every day to invite God's Spirit to interrupt my fleshly tendencies so that I can have gentle answers that turn away wrath.'  This is from an article written by Lysa TerKeurst that my friend Angie sent to me.  Definitely pondering these words today.

One of my favorite things...Twizzlers.

A few plans for the rest of the week...Finish up Valentine's Day prep, continue to purge my home, finish my book, volunteer in Jamison's class, and parent/teacher conferences.

Happy Monday :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ten on Ten

Ten on Ten is another one of my absolute favorite posts.  I usually only participate when it falls on a weekend since during the week I'm at work all day (can we say bo'ring pictures!).  So I'm always thrilled when I see the 10th falling on a weekend...and because March copies February I'll be back at it again in March :)

Here's my February 10:

Once a month I volunteer in my church's office.  This may be my last Sunday as we've been praying about moving to a church closer to our house...though we very much love New Life.

 No matter how much I fight it, I realize that I am a peanut butter snob.  JIF is my PB of choice.

 Home and time to fold laundry...I think I folded a total of 5 baskets.

Checking out Girl Scout Camp info.  I think we'll stick with day camp again this year.

 A little ROY G BIV with Jamison's hair twisties.

 A little movie date with one of my favorite homies.

 Jamison filling out her Valentine list...for friends near and far ;)

 Hanging out with this cutie...she was an only child this weekend as Caleb was with Paw Paw.

 Working on some cards for my friend's mom.

 His and Hers bowl of Kraft Cheese and Macaroni...we really know how to get gourmet around here :)

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you next month :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook...Returns

One of my favorite posts when I was blogging regularly was The Simple Woman's Daybook.  As I ease back into the blogging world I'm going to start with comfort...and these posts are comfort for me.

Happy Monday!

For Today:

Outside my's overcast and cold!  This year we are having a normal winter, but because we did not have one last year (I think it may have snowed once) I think everyone's system is in shock.  I must admit that I'll be one happy camper once Spring arrives.

I am thinking...about friendships.

I am thankful...that my mom came over last night to watch the Super Bowl with us.  She's a huge football fan (as is Rondell), so it was nice for Ron to have someone to talk stats with.  I enjoy the game, but I don't get into all of the details.  Plus last night I had to enter all of the Girl Scout cookie orders for Jamison's troop, so I didn't see much of the game (sniff...I wanted San Fran to win!).

In the kitchen...Rondell cooked up a spread!

Chicken for our Chicken Sliders

I'm good for saying to Rondell "ooh, look what recipe I found.  Doesn't that look good?"  Hooks him every time.  On Saturday I showed him this recipe from the Pioneer Woman's blog and he instantly made plans to make it for the Super Bowl.  He had four flavors...Italian, BBQ, Asian, and mojito lime (my favorite).  I'm so blessed to have a man who loves to cook.

I am wearing...yellow!  I love it.

I am the post office tomorrow to mail some cards my friend's mom ordered and a little something for a sweet friend.

I am reading...nothing.  I have been quite the slacker when it comes to reading lately.  There are a couple of books on my nightstand that I'd like to read, but I haven't made the time...I need to do that.  Do any of you have any good suggestions.  

I am looking forward to...taking Jamison to a play in a few weeks.  One of our local high schools is putting on The Little should be a lot of fun.

I am learning...that I need to give my kids much more grace.

Around the really in the need of maintaining.  Emotions have been a wreck, the house is in disarray, and things on the To Do list need to be check off.  

One of my favorite things...supportive teachers.  Jamison has been having some emotional meltdown issues at school again and her teachers have been amazing in trying to help her resolve this challenge that she faces.  It's always comforting to know that my kids are being cared for by people who truly care about them.

A few plans for the rest of the week...spend time reading to my kids (Caleb and I started the Magic Treehouse series), clean (I was under the weather last week and so my chores suffered), work through my fear of my sewing machine and maybe attempt to sew on Jamison's Girl Scout patches, witness one of my friends become and American citizen, and clean :)

I hope you all have a wonderful week.

If you want to post a Daybook entry, join in here.