Friday, November 28, 2008

School Friends
Monday, November 24, 2008
If I Can Make It, You Can Make It Monday

1 cup of butter, softened
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 package of English toffee bits (you can also use chocolate covered if you really like chocolate)
Combine sugar, butter, egg and vanilla and beat until creamy.
Add flour, baking soda and salt and beat well at reduced speed until well mixed.
Fold in toffee bits by hand.
Roll dough into balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.
Note: I sometimes sprinkle sugar on top right when they come out of the oven.

I don't mind the cold so much, but the gloomy, cloudy skies have got to go! Not to be a downer but I'm really missing the blue skies...come back blue skies!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Linens & Things
I just thought I'd share that tid bit of information.
Have a good weekend. We have nothing planned...NICE!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Note: I've done a few posts in the last few days so be sure to scroll down.
Monday, November 17, 2008
If I Can Make it, You Can Make it Monday

1 lb of ground beef
1 lb of ground Italian sausage
2 jars of spaghetti sauce (I usually use Ragu Robusto)
6 cups of mozzarella cheese
1 package of slice provolone cheese
1 container of small curd cottage cheese (any size depending on how much you like it. You could also use Ricotta)
Boil noodles according to the package
Brown ground beef and sausage together (I usually also add some garlic powder or salt)
Drain noodles and set aside
Drain meat and then put back into skillet
Add 1 1/2 jars of the sauce to the meat mixture and set aside
In a 9x13 size dish add a small layer of the sauce and meat mixture (this will stop the noodles from sticking)
Then add a layer of noodles to line the dish
Add 1/2 of the meat mixture
Add all of the cottage cheese
Add all of the provolone cheese
Add two cups of the mozzarella
Add another layer of noodles
Add the remaining meat mixture
Add two cups of the mozzarella
Add another layer of noodles
Add the remaining 1/2 of spaghetti sauce
Add the remaining mozzarella cheese
Top with foil
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes
Remove foil and bake another 15 minutes
Allow lasagna to sit for at least 15 to 20 minutes for it to settle (or it will be runny like mine was last night because we were so hungry that we ate right away)
NOTE: Of course you don't have to do the layering like I do, it's just what works for me. Add as much or as little cheese as you'd like. It's really an easy meal and makes for great leftovers. Add a salad and some garlic bread and you've got a complete meal.
Oh, also last night I thought that if I put toothpicks in before I put the foil on the top layer of cheese won't stick to the foil. I will have to try that the next time because the cheese always sticks.
I WON, I WON!!!!!
Shout Outs and a Weekend Run-down (no pictures, sorry)
Anyways, while we were waiting to leave for dinner Renee told me that she has Browns tickets, club seats, and would Rondell and I like to go. Rondell LOVES football and has never been to a game so I jumped right on that opportunity. THANKS RENEE!!! I thought about surprising him but I know I would not have been able to keep that secret for two weeks. I put them on top of the entertainment center thinking that I could still surprise him when he got home from work, but I feel asleep and the giant that my husband is saw them because the top of the entertainment center is eye level. Oh well. He's still excited.
We went to dinner, Renee, the kids and I, at Carrabba's. We joined Toshinna's teammate and her family. They were a fun bunch of people. After dinner Jamison went to stay with Toshianna and Renee at their hotel. She was so excited about that.
Saturday when I woke up and went upstairs (I have had a bad habit of falling asleep on the couch) Rondell informed me that Caleb had been throwing up. Great (grrr). Rondell stayed home with him while I went to Toshianna's meet (bless his heart). Toshianna did great. This was her first meet at Level 7 and she placed 5th overall. Her floor routine was so adorable. It was to the theme music for Inspector Gadget.
After the meet we all went to Mimi's Cafe. If you have not been to this restaurant and you have one near you it is a must. Their food is so yummy. We went with two of Toshi's teammates and their families. The younger girls, including Jamison, sat by themselves at the booth behind us and Jamison ordered her own meal. While I missed Rondell and Caleb, it was nice to hang with just us girls.
Later that evening I went to dinner with Jodie. We haven't gotten together in a while so it was nice sit down and chat with her for a bit. She even made me sugar cookies with yellow frosting. So thoughtful (my favorite color is yellow and I LOVE her cookies.)
Sunday Caleb was still kind of sick so Jamison and I went to church alone. It was nice spending the weekend with her. After church we stayed home and then I made Rondell a lasagna (which I will post for "If I can Make it You can Make it Monday" a little later) because he stepped up when I couldn't.
How was your weekend?
My Happy Place

Where is your happy place? Another one is Destin...is it time for the countdown yet?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Cool GiveAWay
Good luck, well kind of...I want to win too. HUGS!
Monday, November 10, 2008
If I Can Make It, You Can Make It Monday

2 blocks of cream cheese (softened for easier mixing)
1 container of blue cheese crumbles
4 oz of hot sauce (you can use more if you like it really spicy)
1 bag of shredded cheddar cheese
Combine chicken, cream cheese, blue cheese and hot sauce in a bowl and mix well
Pour in a oven safe dish (I use a casserole dish)
Bake at 350 for 20 minutes; then added cheddar cheese and bake for another 15 minutes
Serve with tortilla chips and enjoy! *(or you could just eat it with a spoon like Rondell!)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me!
I kind of started celebrating last night because we got Tommy's (my 2nd favorite pizza place, Giordano's in Chicago is #1). It was so yummy and the four of us just sat around and hung out.
This morning I got to hang out with the kiddies (Rondell was at an early morning meeting). They were so sweet. When Rondell came home he gave me my card and my gifts (2 CDs) and then I went to breakfast with my friend Lyndsey. The food and the company were great. After breakfast I went to Hallmark...I love that store. I had to buy a gift for a friend whose birthday is tomorrow.
I went home and Jamison was so excited to see me. She immediately gave me a card, which she signed herself. She started talking about my party, and when my party was going to be. The sweet girl loves a good party. Later in the day when I was in the basement doing laundry, Jamison was down there with me. She happened to find this sign below and insisted that we put it up. She's so sweet and I could just squeeze her.

Friday, November 7, 2008
And the Celebration Begins...
When I was little I almost always remember having sleep overs. I remember them being a really fun time. I'm sure if I dig deep enough into my mom's stack of pictures that I could find some from the sleepover days. My grandmother always called me first thing in the morning to wish me a happy birthday. She knew how to make me feel special.
I remember my 15th birthday because my family came from Detroit (my father's side) to help me celebrate. I remember going to Friday's for dinner and the staff putting balloons on my glasses. Gosh that was a fun day. I think that's when Renee (my stepmom) bought me my coat with the real fur lining on the hood. I was fancy.
My 25th birthday was memorable too. That was the first and only time I have been intoxicated. Don't ask me why I chose to do that because before then I was not a drinker. But for some reason I did and I tell you what, not fun. I remember calling my mom and telling her and saying how this was not something I ever wanted to do again. Apparently too I'm a crybaby drunk because I cried when I thought Rondell was leaving the restaurant. Crazy and interesting experience. One never to be had again. Now I don't even drink at all...give me a Coke and that does just fine (except I can't have Coke until December 19 because of a fast that I'm doing).
Since working at my current job my friends here have always done a birthday celebration for me. They bring in good food and I get a lot of love. Today they brought in bagels, donuts and a cake!
Last year I celebrated with girlfriends. My friend Karynda opened up her home and we had appetizers (my favorite) and just hung out. It was perfect. I called it the celebration of the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday.
Last night Rondell took me to Abuelo's (which is becoming my new favorite restaurant) for my birthday. We had a great time, even though he kept me up way past my bedtime (wink). We were able to enjoy each other's company along with some great food. We both ate WAY too much. Our server was so nice too. When I ordered my nachos I asked for extra sour cream and he brought me some. Then when he brought us our meal he brought another side of sour cream. Talk about good customer service. We tipped well.
Tomorrow is the actual day. My friend Lyndsey and I are going to breakfast and then I'm just going to relax and enjoy my family. Mommy is coming over in the evening to make dinner, cabbage & noodles with smoked sausage and cornbread. YUM!
What do you like to do for your birthday?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I will be happy when I can go back to reading about good reads, child rearing, decorating ideas, recipes, etc... I don't like all of this division and anger. I need joy! And I miss blogging...:)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
So Kelli, What Have You Been Up To?

Here's my little poptart (it's hard to see the glitter, but it's all over the front)
Trick or Treat was fun. Jamison's cousins came over and Caden, next door, went too. It's turned into a tradition for Rondell, his mom and the neighbors to go and then Mommy and I stay and hand out candy. Mommy and I love seeing all of the kids' costumes.
My poptarts. Rondell decided to make Caleb a brown sugar poptart. So he has on a pillow case with brown frosting and a brown sweatsuit for the filling.
The kids ready to go, Caleb, Jayshawn, Ni Ni, Jamison and Quinelle
Jamison rounding up her troops. Caden was a train conductor.
The little trick or treaters, Caleb and Carissa (Caden's little sister).
When everyone came back Rondell updated me on how popular Jamison is. He said that as they were going through the neighborhood quite a few kids would come up and say "hi Jamison." Rondell was so tickled. Then a child two kids came to the door and saw Jamison and said "hi Jamison." They were like 4th graders. Too funny! I wonder if this is a view of what's to come.
So that's been the deal around here. Our house is messy (and driving me crazy) and schedules are off. We even missed church this morning! I'm sure we'll be back to normal here in just a little bit.
Oh and I found two new blogs that I like to read. You can see them here and here. I have also added them to my sidebar. These ladies are so creative and it has really inspired me. I'm not very creative but I love to make things around here homey and these blogs are great tools.
OH!!!! And my birthday is just one week away, the big 3-2!