I thought I'd share our Christmas festivities with you. On Christmas Eve we went to the "family friendly" service at our church. Our pastor "Uncle Steve" read the kids the story of Christmas as they gathered around him at the front of the church (he was even in a rocking chair)...it was really cute.
After service we went to my cousin's house to celebrate Christmas with my mom's side of the family. Ever since my mom was little Christmas was celebrated at my great-grandmother's house on Christmas Eve. I remember going there when I was little in my pjs and staying up until after midnight to open gifts. The tradition of going to her house ended when Gramma got too sick to have us over and she passed away two years ago (at the ripe young age of 99!). But, we have continued to get together...to keep the tradition going. We've had some off years but I'm sure we'll get it together soon. It was nice to get everyone together (except Aunt Roni who was sick).
Here are my babies on Christmas Eve at cousin Shanette's house:
I swear Caleb is going to turn into a chip.
My great-grandmother used to always makes these sandwiches. I'm not sure what is in the middle, maybe cream cheese with food coloring. My uncle really wanted to make them. They look just like hers used to look!
After leaving Shanette's we went home to put the kids in bed. Then it was time to wrap...or time for Mommy and Rondell to wrap. I'm not the best wrapper and I'm not a night owl, so I have been known to crash on them before. I actually stayed up this year! We were up until 1:30, which is VERY late for me. This is the fourth year that my mom has spent the night with us and I love that we created that tradition.
Christmas morning...we actually got to sleep until 8:00! Here's the tree before all the damage:
Rondell is a huge New York Giants fan, so my mom bought him a personalized pullover. I love the smile on his face:
Of course, there were some classic lines...On Christmas Eve Jamison said that Jesus must be tired "because it's His birthday tomorrow." When Jamison opened the Wii she said "look Mom, we got a free Wii." When Caleb opened a few things he would say "I knew it!" or "oh, snap." They were a lot of fun to watch.
Here they are in their Christmas pjs:
Here they are in their Christmas pjs:
After we were done opening gifts and settling down a bit I remembered that Jamison had a gift for us from school. It was in a brown paper bag that she decorated. In the bag was this note (along with an ornament that she made):
Well...my mom gets up and when she comes back....

While we all received wonderful gifts, it was also a day to remember the best gift of all...Jesus. I know I am guilty of getting wrapped (ha, ha) up in the presents, food, etc., but I pray to continue throughout the year to remember why we celebrate.
How was your Christmas?
Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! :) Nice sewing machine! Glad you got what you wanted. Sweet of Jamison to be pulling for you. We had a great Christmas here, too! :)
Thanks for the sweet comment! Your kiddos are just adorable!
Looks like such a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for sharing.
Nice machine!!!! I love your daughters eyes. Beautiful.
I just noticed your button at the top. Maybe because it's white I never noticed? Kind of blends in. I'm gonna grab it right now.
Kelli - what a fabulous Christmas. Your posts always put such a huge smile on my face. You truly are a wonderful family and you have such a beautiful spirit.
blessings and hugs
Kelli! Our kids would get along SO well. Matty got many of the same Thomas/Cars toys as Caleb! And I LOVE how he was asleep in the background, as you were wrapping his presents. LOVE it! :) haha.
Wonderful machine, too! I wish I knew how to sew!
The kids look so grown up! That is so funny about the boiling eggs! What a player! Congrats on the sewing machine! You're going to have lots of fun with that!
I love all the pictures-I noticed the Cars Movie stuff-My boys had that Christmas a couple of years ago..This Christmas was Star Wars-
and we are sick...so sick with a cold!
Merry Christmas!
Im so glad you had a nice Christmas. I love all the pics. I hope to have all mine up this week. HOpefully tomorrow. It has been a busy,busy weekend.
Looks like you all had a fabulous Christmas. I love all the photos, your kiddos are such sweeties. I love the family cookbook idea. I did love the photo of you all wrapping and Caleb in the background.
Hope you had a great weekend.
yes, kelli. your house looks like ours. so fun. but i am kinda ready to get the holiday decor on out of here & start the new year with some what organized chaos!~ :)
take care, my sweet friend. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I know you are so excited about your sewing machine! I can't wait to see what you make!
YAY!!!! So happy that you got the sewing machine!! I love the pj pics...your kiddos are so adorable!
Wow...y'all really had fabulous Christmas. I bet you were thrilled to get to sleep in after staying up past 1 a.m.!
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