UPDATED: This is why I love you all. Thanks so much for the help and support. My plan is to have this project done this week so look soon for the big (OK, or not so big) reveal! Hugs!
So you know those cute wooden letters that people paint or Mod Podge with scrapbook paper? Well, I want to do that for the kids' bathroom. Here's my issue, I don't know how to hang them. I know I can use ribbon like I did in Jamison's room but I really just wanted to hang them without that. I am creating the word CLEAN and I can see the L, A and N giving me problems. Do they make bracket hanging thingys that small (yes, that's what I just called them)? What to do people? Help a sista out!
Judah on Trial
20 hours ago
Oh sounds so cute! Sorry I can't help :( The letters I have are made to hang on a wall and have the holes cut out in the back...could you drill small holes in them? Or by those little prong-things that are on the back of some pictures that you can push into the back? {does that make sense...like my terminology!} Hope you figure it out, sounds really fun!
I have letters in Julianne's room with her name that are not hung but instead leaning on a shelf. That could be an option. I'm not sure if they make those bracket hangy things that small but they probably do. That's a good idea too. Can't wait to see your finished project - sounds cute!
We hung the boys on the wall with brackets. Just buy those frame brackets, and put them on the back. For J's room though, you could hang them by ribbon... It's girly and pretty! :)
In Tyler's room, I used the Undo strips. But his letters aren't wooden, they are actually more like cardboard that I painted. I just put 2 or 3 undo strips directly on the back and stuck them to the wall. You might have to use more since they would be heavier. They've been up for nearly 2 1/2 years.
The little brackets that you put on frames...they use really small nails and will work perfectly. That is how we have hung ours up. Good Luck!
I would use the brackets. They make really little ones that should work. Good luck!
Hi, visiting you from Sasha's blog. Love your header. You can buy hanger kits at Home Depot in all sizes from the pronged kind to metal ones to stick on plastic ones. Or you can use the pop-top off a can of soda...just put a little nail through the hole and bend it out a little bit. If you have trouble with keeping them hanging straight cuz of doors slamming and stuff you can put a tiny bit of foam behind a corner.
The letters that are in Eli's room are on ribbon, and the letter in Henry and Grant's room sit on a railing. You could put up a cute shelf and prop them up on it. Or maybe drill a small hole in the back of the letters and hang them on a nail! I can't wait to see how it turns out!
If you don't want holes in the walls and something SUPER easy - look for COMMAND strips from 3M. They make some that are like velcro... and they don't hurt the walls at all. They're what I used to hang Jake's letters in his room. They've been great. When you're done with them or want to move them you just pull them off. GENIUS! SUPER easy!! Target has them too... :)
I used velcro to hang the ones in Tucker's room. I used the kind with the peel-off/stick-on adhesive back. It worked beautifully! :)
I don't know if you've solved this problem yet, but I have done all of the suggestions (with success) but have also turned the letters over and hammered thin finish nails into the letters, so the pointy end is IN the letter. Then flipped the nails over and inserted the dull end of the nail into the hole so that the pointy ends are sticking OUT of the letter.
Then you can do two things, depending on your wall. Either gently put pressure on the letter, pressing it to the wall and the nails may just go into the wall with little to no pounding. (If you need to use a hammer, put a towel between the hammer and the letter)
Press the letter into the wall enough to "mark" where your nail holes need to be. Remove the nails from the letter and pound the nails into the wall. Press the letters onto the nails.
A little more effort, but it avoids a trip to the store...
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