Sunday, September 20, 2009

We Went A Pickin...Apples, not Noses

After church today we went apple picking at a local fruit farm. You can see our trip from last year here, but this year Rondell was able to go too.

I am always amazed by how many apples there are to pick. This year we missed my favorite, Honeycrisp, because the trees had been picked clean already. Next year we'll get here earlier so we can pick some. This year we picked Jonathon (good for baking) and Cortland.

Princess of the apples, Jamison.

Gramma Lee and Caleb deep in apple territory.

Some of the apples were HUGE. I don't know if you can tell that by the picture.

Trees full of apples to pick.

Caleb, his faces are just priceless. He had a lot of fun picking the apples (and eating them too).

Here's Gramma Lee holding our huge bag of apples...while eating two, one in each hand.

I loved all the signs they had, especially this one that said "Keep going."

Afterwards we stopped at their market to get some goodies. I got already-picked Honeycrisp, some yummy salsa and pumpkin butter for Ron.

According to Vivienne this is now a tradition since we've done it twice. I like that idea.


Christie said...

What a fun tradition! I have never heard of Cortland apples, my favorite is McIntosh.

Carrie said...

I love that...our tradition is going to a little town near our house this time of year and buying caramel corn and slushies! I love it! What great pictures! That looks so fun! I LOVE pumpkin butter too! I just bought some from a local farm...Emily likes eating pumpkin butter sandwiches! :) Glad you had a great day! It has been pouring down rain all day here, but we needed it!

Joanna said...

What a wonderful tradition! I just love traditions and this one is a great one!

Wow that's A WHOLE LOTTA apples! Yummy!

Mike and Katie said...

Mmmm. I love this time of year!

Miller Racing Family said...

What a great tradition. I wish we had an apple farm around here that made it through the May freeze. But sadly we will be buying apples from Walmart this year.

Unknown said...

What an awesome tradition- we have a strawberry farm here that I just learned about.

What do you do with all the apples? Eat or freeze them? Or do you make apple butter???


Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Kelli, that looks like great fun! We LOVE apples around here, and never seem to tire of them. How fun that you all got to pick together.

MadeInCanarias said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun! What will you do with all those apples? Andy good recipes?

I'm having my first giveaway, come and have a look :)

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I had my first taste of a honey crisp last night, and it was delicious!

Kelli W said...

That looks like so much fun and a SUPER tradition to have! I wish we lived closer to a place like that...I don't think apples grow very well down here.

jennykate77 said...

Awe, that's so much fun!! Great pictures. I love traditions!

p.s. I tagged you for an award on my blog! :)

Brittany said...

We went on Saturday! Looks like right where we were, too! :) I was so bummed that the honeyscrip were already picked! We picked Cortland and some of the golden delicious (I don't think they are supposed to be ready until this coming weekend).

Glad you all had a great time! :)

Angie said...

Fun tradition! I wish we had apple farms here. I would love to visit one and pick some apples. Yum! Cute pics!!