My blog friends Kate, at Kate's Creations, and Lauren, at Sanity Sold Separately, gave me this award. This is a true honor to me because I really value friendships and I really feel like I've met some amazing friends through blogging.

I'd like to give this to (since I got it twice I picked 12)...Julie, Carrie, Kelli, Heidi, Amy, Jen, Vivienne, Tanya, Jolanthe, Becca, JennyKate, and Christie
Heidi, at Blue Eyed Blessings, gave me this sweet award. Sometimes you just don't know if you're touching people's lives and this award shows that I'm doing something, encouraging and uplifting others. This is another thing that means a lot to me because one thing I strive for is to encourage people. Heidi encourages me to organize my life with your wonderful tips and tutorials. Thanks Heidi!

Thank you so much for the awards. I am so amazed at all the friends I have made in blogland. You are truly one of my favorite blogs to visit. Thanks for always being such a blessing.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Well deserved!
Congrats, Kelli! And thanks for the friends award. It's been fun getting to know you during this blogging adventure of mine!
You are absolutely loved, Kelli, and deserve every fun award out there! You are a precious blog-land friend, and I'm so happy our paths have crossed. Thanks for passing this on!
Congrats ont eh awards- you truly deserve them! You are a faithful bloggy friend! Thanks for gifting me with it as well!
Congrats, your blog is so's been great getting to know you!
thanks so much for awarding me too...yay! :)
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