Monday, September 14, 2009

FMM - Favorite Fall Shows

Amber has another great Fall topic this week: Fall Shows! We are to name the Fall shows that we are looking forward to. Here's my list:

Now I know this is not a Fall show because it doesn't start until January (they're killin me!), but since it is my favorite and most anticipated show of the year I had to put it on the list:


Courtney said...

i'm right there with you on Grey's absolute favorite show. ever. :)

MadeInCanarias said...

I like Grey's Anatomy and Lost too!

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Yep, I am doing Grey's Anatomy too! One Tree Hill is my Monday night, and Man V. Food is Wednesday. I am not sure when Deadliest Catch comes back on, but when it does, I am watching it!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOST!!! ANd I can't believe we get none of it until January!!! Argh!!

I thought of you this weekend when they were dotting the "i" in OHIO!!


Annie said...

I'm with you on Grey's and Private Practice! Love them both!!

Kelli W said...

Ohmygoodness we LOVE Lost! I hate having to wait until January for it to start!!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

I haven't seen any of these shows, but I know how much you love LOST and I'm sorry you have to wait so long for it to come back.

Jen @ said...

Great list Kelli! I am excited to see what happens on Private Practice - what a creepy cliffhanger!

And of course Greys too!! Have a wonderful day!


Carrie said...

Love Grey's Anatomy too! I'm ready for some new TV shows too! I love the Fall!

{Yummy on the Taco Ring recipe a few days ago too! I want to try that! Thanks for sharing! Mmmm!}

Nicolasa said...

Yesss! I love Criminal Minds! I haven't seen that on too many other lists!

Amber Filkins said...

♥ Grey's and Private Practice!! I'm going to have to check out Criminal Minds. I think maybe I've seen it before and liked it.

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

Criminal minds sounds like a show I should check out! Great list, hope you had an awesome Monday!

Miller Racing Family said...

Great list. I got in on the last part of private practice last year, so I will have to get addicted this year.
Happy FMM!

Emily said...

I AM SO DYING FOR LOST TO COME BACK!!!!!! I'm with's my fave as well!