Wednesday, July 30, 2008
First Verse
"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts." Deuteronomy 6:6
This is so exciting to me. I did not grow up in church and so I didn't learn a lot of the stories of the Bible and didn't memorize a lot of verses. That is what I love about our church, they make learning the Bible fun. Jamison just moved up to the Kindergarten class at church and the discussion and teachings are a little more in depth than her other classes, understandably. So now she is supposed to memorize verses and this was the first one. She learned i overnight and is so excited about, especially about saying Deuteronomy (I had to look up how to SPELL it and here she is reading it!)
It just makes me very grateful that God led us to New Life.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Say It Isn't So...

NOTE: I am so mad at blogger right now because it is not publishing how it looks when I type my post. I type a space between paragraphs but when it publishes there's no space. And this post is acting really crazy with words between the top two pictures. AAAAHHHHH!! Can anyone help with this?
Monday, July 28, 2008
I Think She's Ready

Princess dress, check. Books, check. Ready for Kindergarten, check!
Fun Weekend!

Jam and Sweets
Jamison and her new pose
Jamison and Abigail AKA Little Bear
I left the water early to go to my friend Lyndsey's for a Mary Kay party. Lyndsey has a great group of friends and it is always nice to get together with them. We had fun playing in makeup and eating. The next day I woke up and realized I had an allergic reaction to the eye shadow but I still had a good time (just needed some steroids to make the swelling go down).
Sunday we watched Mila all day, which means we had fours kids total. Whew! It really wasn't bad at all. Caleb was the only one that gave us a challenge and since we can't send him home at the end of the night we just dealt with it (smile). We also cooked out and my mom came over. Food on the grill always means good times.
Mila in the baby pool. She really was having a good time, the just is just in her eyes.
Mila and Toshianna playing in the water.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Anyways, we were eating and Dave told us that his wife just got laid off. How devastating! Not only because that's hard to lose a job, but she was a very dedicated paralegal for a large law firm. It's so scary to know that no one is safe anymore in this job market. My heart goes out to Dave, who is very positive, and all of the other families that are victims to the changing times.
This also makes me nervous about leaving my current place of employment. I'm not now, but in the future I think I would like to do something else with my career. This is where I really need to rely on my faith in God and the smarts that He gave me to take risks or really make the right career move, whatever that may be.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Kids Say the Sweetest Things
I wasn't sure if Jamison was going to get the whole concept but I've come to realize that I need to stop underestimating her. So, here's how our conversation went:
Me: Jamison, do you know Mommy loves you?
J: Yes.
Me: How?
J: Because you give me lots of hugs and kisses.
Me: Anything else?
J: And you do lots of things.
Me: Like?
J: Color with me.
I thought I would cry for two reasons. 1. She really knows that I love her! and 2. because she could express that to me through words. She is really coming into herself.
So, when Rondell came home I told him about it and here's their conversation:
Ron: Jamison, do you know Daddy loves you?
J: Yes.
Ron: How?
J: Because you play with me.
I LOVED that it was a different answer that really pertained to Rondell. He plays with her all the time. It also showed us the things that are important to Jamison and we will be sure to continue to color with her/give her hugs and kisses and play with her so that we can "speak" to her in a language that she understands!

Friday, July 18, 2008
Finally...well almost
This summer I've been doing a summer Bible study at my church on Wednesdays, Beth Moore's Stepping Up. Rondell is also doing a study on Wednesdays too so luckily our church provides childcare with my study so we can both attend our respective studies. Well that means another day for Caleb to cry about being in the church nursery. I was really hoping that going more often would help the crying situation. Um, no. He still cries.
Well we had a slight breakthrough this week. On Sunday our friends Robert and Amanda (they are in our Small Group with us) were in Caleb's room in the nursery. Apparently they had a great time as you can see in the pictures below (Robert took these):
He was happy the whole time!
"Look at me, I'm not scared of the nursery!"
Is he preaching? Perhaps a future minister?
Then on Wednesday he cried again in the parking lot but he went right to the caretaker (tears and all). When I picked him up they said he was so happy, dancing, laughing and having a ball.
Whew! We'll see what Sunday brings, but I think we're having a bit of a breakthrough!
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Visit from a Sweet Girl/My "New" Family
Me and my "new" cousin Lauren. She is so sweet. She lives in Florida so I need to go and visit.
That Caleb is such a ham in front of the camera

Cousin Lenora, Paw Paw (Rondell's stepdad), Maw Maw (Rondell's mom) and Jamison

The family!

Toshianna twirling Caleb around and Caleb loving every minute!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I've Been Replaced
Evan and I both have Facebook pages and on his page the profile picture used to be a picture of me and him (him and me, however you're supposed to say it). Now, there's a picture of Evan and Jazz...his "friend." It's actually a cute picture because it's one picture made up of two. One side is a picture of them when they were three (they've know each other since preschool) and the other side is a picture of them currently.
He's cute because when I told him I had been replaced he said only on his page but never in his heart. He's going to make some girl very lucky one day!
So, sniff, sniff...Evan is growing up and soon will be grown and married (I know I'm dramatic). My baby!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Family Reunion
Jamison made a new friend (I never did find out how we were related), Marcus. Jamison almost always finds a friend wherever we go where there are other kids around. Such a social butterfly (I wonder where she gets that from, wink).
It was really nice to see everyone because I don't get together with my family often enough.
Here are some pics of the event:

Jamison doing a pose with our reunion T-shirt on
My Aunt Charlsia (again, technically my mom's cousin, but you get the picture), my mom and a sleeping Caleb

The cousins: Fashun, Angel (Charisse's daughter), Charisse, baby Cloe and Ebony. We're all about the same age, just a year or so between us.

Little Rondell

NOTE: We have a running joke that I turned Jamison into a thug because I listened to 50 cent while pregnant. But I tell him that I don't have that much thug in me to do such a thing.
***Do you think we have enough toothpaste???
Two Great Reads

Over the past couple of weeks I have read two great books. The first book is Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. My friend Karynda recommended this book to me and it was wonderful. The book is based on the story of Jesus coming to Mary and Martha's house in Bethany and how very differently each sister responded. Martha was busy arranging everything, food, bedding, drinks, etc while Mary was at Jesus' feet listening. Basically the book talks a lot about having an intimate relationship with Christ. It is a must read for all of us busy woman who are trying to accomplish that goal.
The chapter that stuck out to me the most was concerning worrying. I am a HUGE worrier (shh Ron), so this chapter really hit home for me but with improvement, which is important!
So, if you're looking for a good pick me up, with a little conviction this is the book for you.

I love to read. It's relaxing and it also keeps my mind sharp (I truly believe that). So if you have any good suggestions out there is blog world let me know.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008