After picking up Toshianna at the half way point (my dad/stepmom have a half way point where we meet to exchange children. Usually it's MY children going but this time I was picking up one of theirs!) we went to our friends Katie and Josh's house (sorry, no pictures because I forgot the camera). They have three boys and the kids had a great time with them. Katie made some really yummy manicotti (sp?), I've gotta get the recipe. Then we went outside in their backyard to make smores over the fire pit. That was so much fun. Jamison ate TWO smores! The kids even played with sparklers, and if you know Jamison you'd be surprised that she joined in on that fun. After dessert Josh took each kid around in his motorized scooter. They had a blast. Rondell even got to go for a drive (without any kids!)
On Saturday we hung out around the house and then went to a local Spray Park to meet up with some friends from our Small Group. Have I said how much I love our group, because I do. They are just a lot of fun and it's nice that we all have kids. Here are some pics from the Spray Park:

Daddy and Caleb playing in the water.

Jam and Sweets
Jamison and her new pose
Jamison and Abigail AKA Little Bear
I left the water early to go to my friend Lyndsey's for a Mary Kay party. Lyndsey has a great group of friends and it is always nice to get together with them. We had fun playing in makeup and eating. The next day I woke up and realized I had an allergic reaction to the eye shadow but I still had a good time (just needed some steroids to make the swelling go down).
Sunday we watched Mila all day, which means we had fours kids total. Whew! It really wasn't bad at all. Caleb was the only one that gave us a challenge and since we can't send him home at the end of the night we just dealt with it (smile). We also cooked out and my mom came over. Food on the grill always means good times.
Mila in the baby pool. She really was having a good time, the just is just in her eyes.
Mila and Toshianna playing in the water.
1 comment:
Hi Kelli,
Can I ask you a hair question? Amanda's hair keeps getting tangly in back when she naps. When she wakes up I put lotion in it and comb it out but I'd like to know what I can do to keep it nice. I noticed Mila had a couple of short pig tails in back. Does that cut down on the tangles and does she sleep with those?
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