Thursday, April 30, 2009

Notice Anything Different About Me?

I am beyond excited about my new layout!!!! Joanna did exactly what I was thinking about...almost like she was in my head.

I love my header...that's actually my window in the picture! I wanted notebook paper in it too (because of my love for lists and notebooks) and Joanna made it work perfectly. I love the paperclips too, what a cute me!

Now, I even have a button that you can fun is that! AND now when you pull up my blog there's a little picture of my window as an icon...too adorable.

So, if you are looking for a makeover I HIGHLY recommend Joanna (here's the link to her blog design website)...she has some great talent!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Finally Did It

I finally made this dumplings. Ever since I saw this on Pioneer Woman's website and knew I had to make it. All I needed was some crescent rolls, some apples, some butter and sugar and a can of Mountain Dew...yes, Mountain Dew.

You have to make's super easy. This is how mine turned out (notice my helper's head):

I would have given you a step by step but you should go to the site linked above to Pioneer Woman because she gives GREAT instruction and she's funny too.

We just added some ice cream and enjoyed...YUM!

I Have Something I Want to Share

If you've read my blog for a while now, you know my love for BSF. It's a Bible study that I attend each and every Monday (thanks to Rondell for watching the kiddies!). Each year the study covers a different topic (totalling 7 topics). This year we are learning about The Life of Moses.

Last year we studied the book of Matthew so this has been new for me, studying the Old Testament. Now, if you feel like I felt about the Old Testament you're probably saying "how could they possibly make that interesting?" EXACTLY!

You'll be surprised how many lessons I have pulled from studying Exodus - Deuteronomy. There are tons of lessons even in Numbers...NUMBERS!!!! One point in Numbers that I took away is how God never changes, even as society does. His plan remains the same no matter what goes on down here. How refreshing!

Another point that I have taken away is not to complain. Now, I'm not very successful right at the moment but I'm working on it daily. When the people of Israel complained it made God very angry and brought out a wrath that I never want to see. When we doubt, we doubt God...when we complain (even if it's about work or money), we are complaining about God (...yes, your complaints are against the Lord, not against us." Exodus 16:8). The whining that we hear from our kids that drives us crazy is what God hears when we complain about something not going our way. This is something I need to remember...and man is it hard!

Don't you want to study God's Word and take away some amazing lessons? Well, BSF (and they are not paying me to do this) has intro classes that it's offering in May. Check out their website to see if there is a class near you...they have day and evening classes and a great children's program (Jamison is joining me next year). Next year we are studying the book of John.

Join me!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 27, 2009

For today...

Outside my window...
Beautiful. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and my backyard is all cleaned up.

I am thinking...that I hope the doctor can give me something to stop itching. I'm having an allergic reaction to some detergent and I am going to the doctor today to get it cleared up hopefully.

I am thankful for...My mom. She arranged to have my backyard cleaned up and it looks so nice. She even worked in my yard herself. What would I do without her?

From the kitchen...roast, mac and cheese, rolls and green beans. YUM!

I am reading...the second half of Deuteronomy.

I am hoping (and praying)...that one of our discussion leaders from Crown is doing OK. He was rushed to the hospital yesterday and is going through some testing today. I pray that the doctors have some answers for him and that he heals quickly.

I am creating...Not much at the moment. Honesty, still trying to get out of my slump. Grrr. This is so not like me.

Around the house...the yard looks wonderful. We still have a lot to do as far as taking care of some grass that has died and edging the flowers bed, but all the leaves are gone and it's cleaned up nicely.

One of my favorite things...a nice looking yard (do you see a theme?).

A few plans for the week...get outside!!!! I think I need some more fresh air. I also plan on more spring cleaning and I hope to start tackling my's wild!

What about you?

Friday, April 24, 2009


Here are a few reasons why I'm thanking God this morning:
  • The sun is shining and it is supposed to be 80 today and through the weekend!
  • The week is over. I've had a rough two weeks and feel out of sorts for some reason. I think I just need to open the windows and get some fresh air, make a few lists, and cook a nice Sunday dinner...that'll make things better.
  • My mom is coming over tomorrow to work in the yard. We have some major clean up to do and I'm grateful that she's willing to help us...AND she even hired someone to do the major stuff. What a mom!
  • I only have 2 1/2 weeks until I sign up for our pool pass. We didn't get one last year (we got a pass to our local waterpark instead) and I missed going. I can't wait to pack a lunch and sit by the pool!
  • I realized this week that we don't have anymore payments for Jamison's school. In our district we have to pay for all-day Kindergarten.
  • A got a nice, genuine hug from a new friend yesterday. I needed that!
  • All of my Pay it Forward friends got their packages and they liked their gifts...YEAH!
  • Did I already say that the sun is shining?

Why are you thankful?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And So it Begins...

Out of the mouth of Jamison:

"You love Caleb and not me!"

Here's the background...Jamison had a bad day at school, not listening, interrupting, and not participating. When the kids at school don't behave they move to different levels, red being the worst. Well, because of this Jamison got a red day. The rule in our house is if you get a red day then there is no TV.

Well Caleb wanted to watch Cars so we set up the portable DVD player in the kitchen so he could still watch his movie...and that's when she said the above comment.

I can't believe we are at that point already. Jamison and I had a talk about how I will alwayschoices love her no matter what color day she has and that she had a red day because of the that she made.

And Mr. Caleb. He's just growing up too fast and becoming all boy. He's trying to talk in full sentences (even if I'm the only one who understands them).

Here he is watching Cars with his Lightening McQueen. Too cute!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Simple Woman's Daybook - April 20, 2009

For today...

Outside my window...Overcast, but that's OK because this weekend was skies and sunshine!

I am thinking...of all of the things that I need to do around and outside of the house. I am really getting the Spring cleaning bug and I'm ready to dive in.

I am thankful for...nice weather. I was able to get outside this weekend and work in the yard. We have a lot of cleaning up to do and it was a great way to get it all started. I was even able to teach Jamison the purpose of worms.

From the kitchen...baked ziti. Jamison and I made it last night and it was yummy. That means leftovers tonight. Tomorrow, we're having breakfast for dinner which is one of our favorite things to do.

I am wearing...yellow, keeping the sunshine going!

I am reading...the book of Deuteronomy, chapters 1-26, seriously...this week in BSF we are reading almost the entire book.

I am hoping...Jamison does better this week with soccer than the last two weeks. For some reason she's having a hard time participating this year. I just want her to go out and have fun.

I am creating...A master To Do list for the next four weeks (until Memorial Day). We have a basement to clean, a garage to organize, tools to purchase, painting to do... I bought a new notebook just for projects that I want to get done. I am making the list today to share with Rondell tonight! Fun times...well, for me, maybe not for Rondell.

Around the house...See above.

One of my favorite things...Seeing the results of working in the yard. I love the way my yard looks when the weeds are pulled and the dirt is all turned over. We have a lot of work to do out there this year, so I'm focusing on cleaning up rather than planting a lot of flowers. Instead, I'm going to do pots around the front.

A few plans for the rest of the week...the To Do list. I'll keep you posted of my progress.

Journal with me!

Friend Makin Monday

Kasey is sharing the love and today's Friend Makin Monday is hosted by Andrea over a My Chihuahau Bites. This week:

Pick your Top 5 Celebrity Crushes

Richard T. Jones

He's not super mainstream (as with most of my picks), but I LOVE him. His voice is sexy, his smile is sexy...mmm, mmm!

Patrick Dempsey

Like Jen, I loved him from Can't Buy Me Love too. I wish Meredith would get it together and love him fully already (if she has don't tell me because I'm behind on my Grey's).


I have loved his music since his first album. It's so soft, smooth and relaxing. I've seen him in concert too and man can he perform.

Brian Bloom

Don't we all remember him from the covers of Bop, Teen Beat, and any other 80's teen magazine. He's still strikes me with those eyes!

Boris Kodjoe

He's just handsome, plain and simple!

Who is in your Top 5?

Friday, April 17, 2009

8 Things

I've seen this tag going around and today I was tagged by my new friend Amy. You have to stop by her blog...she's so nice, her kids are adorable, her hubby is handy...she's just cool!

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to...

1. Going to Destin, Florida next year.
2. Organizing my house.
3. Fun pool days this summer.
4. Rondell completing the Honey Do list that I made for him since I won the challenge.
5. Gardening with my mom.
6. Seeing my brother graduate from High School.
7. Going to Atlanta in May to see some of my favorite girlfriends.
8. Paying off our debt.

8 Things I did Yesterday...

1. Went to work.
2. Got to see my friend Lyndsey's boys.
3. Held Caleb for more than 30 was so nice.
4. Talked to my sister (she left today...sniff).
5. Went to Hallmark and Staples.
6. Went to a BSF seminar on homiletics (it was wonderful!).
7. Ate Tommy's pizza.
8. Had a slumber party downstairs with Jamison and Toshianna for Toshianna's last night with us.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do...

1. Be more productive with my time.
2. Teach 2nd grade (I'm thinking of changing fields...still in the prayer stages).
3. Go to Destin, Florida this year.
4. Sew
5. Scrapbook really well (paper and digital).
6. Speak well in public.
7. Not worry.
8. Keep house plants alive.

8 Shows I Enjoy (of course all these shows I'm behind on because I haven't made the time)...

1. Medium (guilty!)
2. Lost
3. Criminal Minds
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Private Practice
6. Friends (my all-time favorite!!!!!)
7. 18 Kids and Counting
8. Desparate Housewives

8 Friends I tag...

Ohio 12
Kelli B.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Works for Me

Like pretty much everyone, Ron and I are trying to do small things to cut back on expenses. We are trying to be smarter about the money that we spend and so I've tried to think of things to do in order to cut back.

One thing recently that I tried was generic diapers. This is huge for me because I'm a bit of a diaper snob. I have always used Pampers, and prefer Pampers Cruisers.

One day I was in Kroger (our local grocery store) and was looking at the price difference between Pampers and Kroger brand diapers and it was a huge difference, almost half! So, I grabbed the Kroger brand...gasp!

Since then I've tried another grocery store brand, but most recently I picked up Target's brand and they are GREAT! I should have known that Target would have a good quality diaper. Now there's no turning back for me...Caleb is dry and my wallet has a few extra dollars. Works for me.

Head on over to We are That Family and find something that might work for you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Won, I Won

There are going to be some big changes around my spot because my good bloggy friend Joanna is redoing my blog. She had a giveaway going on for a free blog design and I entered, of course. AND I WON!!!! I still can't believe it and I'm super excited because I've been wanting a redo (hence, the Under Contruction) and I love her designs.

So, stay tuned for the big reveal and after you fall in love with it stop by her design blog and hook yourself up!

My Five Senses...

“5 Senses Tag”

I saw this on another blog and I thought it would be fun to do. I am to list 4 things I love, and one thing I dislike, for each category.
You're supposed to tag 5 people afterwards, but since I wasn't technically tagged I'm won't do that part. If you do decide to play along, let me know so I can stop by.

1. Fresh air...there's nothing like opening the windows after a long winter to smell the fresh air.
2. Bread baking. We have a Wonder Bread factory here (even though it may be closed now) and I would always love to drive by and smell the bread baking. YUM!
3. Baby lotion...and it has to be Johnson and Johnsons.
4. Pumpkin scented candles.
5. Dislike: Mildew know when you forget that you washed that load and then find it two days later...UGH.

1. My husband's hands
2. My kids' soft.
3. A snuggly blanket. I have a blanket that I've had since college and it's all torn and everything but still so snuggly.
4. Clean sheets. I love when I put fresh sheets on the bed and then crawl's the best!
5. Dislike: Raw meat. I have Rondell patty the burgers and I use a spoon to mix my meatloaf because I just can't take it.

1. My Granita's laugh...oh how I miss her.
2. My kids laughing.
3. Rondell talking. He's mostly very quiet, so I love when he talks to me!
4. The waves on the beaches of Destin, Florida!
5. Dislike: Whining…drives me absolutely nuts.

1. Pizza
2. Coke...a frosty, cold one in a can!
3. Don Pablo's fried ice cream
4. Twizzlers
5. Dislike: Peas

1. Seeing my family after a long day
2. Flowers anywhere ~ I am longing for the sight of color here in Ohio (I stole this one).
3. A clean house.
4. A new notebook.
5. Dislike: Seeing a loved one who is sad or upset.

Tag, I'm It

My blog friend Tanya at Miller Racing Family has tagged me to play the keeping it real game. I do not like taking pictures of myself but it was fun to be included. So here I go being a good sport.

Here are the rules:

Take a picture of yourself right now.
No primping or preparing.
Just snap a picture.
Load the picture onto your blog.
Tag some people to play.


I didn't take my picture right away because I was at work when I saw the tag. But I did take it as soon as I got home. This is basically me daily, no makeup (I'm working on that), curly hair and glasses!

Now,'re it:




Monday, April 13, 2009

Friend Makin' Monday's that time...time for us to get together and share some info! If you haven't joined us yet, you must...we have fun and you get to meet some cool people. I have.

Kasey has a good question today:

What is the Best Advice someone has ever given you?
The first thing that popped into my mind was my mother telling me when I was younger that I need to be interested in sports. She told me this, not to get a boyfriend, but for when the time came that I had a boyfriend or husband and if he liked sports then I'd be able to relate in that area.
It sounds simple but let me tell husband LOVES sports and the fact that I also appreciate sports appeals to him. He loves being able to have conversations with me about certain games...(we're mainly football fans), that I know which Mike is which on Mike and Mike in the Morning, that I know that when they hold up the D and the cut out of a fence, that means defense (my cousin did not know this), that we are able to have a March Madness bracket challenge (which is won by the way), and so on... Now I will say that I'm not as big of a fan as he is, like listening to sports radio and tracking statistics on line and stuff, but I do enjoy sports enough for Rondell.
One time I asked Rondell how he would feel if I didn't know anything about sports and he got this scared look on his face and said he wouldn't like it.
So, I think for me, my mom's advise worked!

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 13

For today...

Outside my window...this morning there was the most beautiful sunrise. Rondell and I come to work really early so we were able to see it on the way in. Lots of oranges, reds, pinks and purples. Stunning...God is amazing!

I am thinking...that I'm in a slump. I just haven't been myself when it comes to cute, thoughtful things. Like yesterday, I didn't even have the kids' gifts in an Easter basket. As a matter of fact, I didn't give Jamison her gifts until the end of the day and I have yet to give Caleb his. I know this is SO not the meaning of Easter but I still like to do fun things for my kiddies. I was the same around Valentine's Day where I didn't have little gifts or candies. I hope to get out of this slump soon!

I am thankful for...Christ, dying for you and me so that our slates could be wiped clean.

From the kitchen...The meals planned this week are conies, chicken enchiladas, and maybe homemade pizza.

I am wearing...Red and pink.

I am reading...Working my way through Numbers...Moses just gave Joshua some of his authority.

I am hoping...that my sister has a good time when she comes to visit this week. It's her Spring break and she decided that she wanted to come and stay with us. I may let Jamison miss a day of school in order to spend some extra time with her (shh...don't tell).

I am creating...little packages to send to my Pay it Forward friends!

Around the house...not much going on. I think we'll take in easy this week.

One of my favorite things...Rondell being off on a Sunday!

A few plans for the rest of the week...Relax and hang out with Toshianna. We'll probably go get ice cream at Graeter's one night. I'm also going to a BSF seminar on homiletics.

What about you?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pictures from Easter Sunday

A little sibling love before church...

Caleb: "What you talkin' 'bout Mama, I have to go to the nursery?"

Jamison: "Just smile and maybe we'll get a donut at church."

"Look at ME, you know the lady whose shadow is right on you!"

Maybe the Easter egg hunt at Maw Maw's wore them out...or could have been the crash after all of the candy!

Happy Easter!

He is Risen!

I hope that all of you enjoyed your Easter holiday, remembering Christ's ultimate sacrifice for you and me!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Break...Tea Party

Hello Friends! I have been on Spring Break...sort of. I took off Tuesday and Wednesday of this week to spend some time with the kiddies. It was a nice time off, even though it was cold with flurries on Tuesday. I pretty much cleaned most of the day and hung out around the house.

Tuesday evening our new friends Bo and Christa came over for pizza. They are the discussion leaders of our Crown financial Bible study and really nice people. It was nice to be able to sit down with them and ask a few questions on how to get on track with our finances. It was also cute to hear Caleb say "bye Bo."

On Wednesday Jamison had two friends (Hannah and Allison) over for a tea party. She had a been waiting for a week for this event to happen and was SO excited. It was still cool outside but the sun was shining so it made for a nice day.

This is Jamison posing before the big party:

Say "tea party!"
Here's the table set up...simple. Jamison ( you see Jamison twisting her hair?) put all three chairs on one side of the table so that they could all sit together. The night before Jamison and I made place cards for the party. I made Jamison's (you can see it below) and Jamison made the ones for Hannah and Allison.
Here's the food...good old peanut butter and jelly (or just peanut butter for Allison). Aunt Roni used the sandwich cutter that we have to make dolphin and heart shapes. They also had Teddy Grahams and apple juice as their "tea."

Here are the party goers (Allison, Jamison and Hannah). I had a vase ready with sunflowers but Jamison wanted to use the plastic flower and vase that came with her tea set.

I think the girls had a really good time. After they ate their lunch we made foamy visors with foamy stickers. I put each girls' name on the visor in puffy paint. Then it was off to play...of course.
So, it was overall a nice time off...yesterday catching up at work was crazy. And last night Rondell and I led our financial Bible study.
Good times had by all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 6

For Today:

Outside my window: Grey and cold. We're supposed to get rain mixed with snow over the next few days. Just when I thought Spring was here...

I am thinking: that I'm really happy that I took a few days off this week. It will be nice to spend some time with the kids and get some spring cleaning done (since we will be stuck inside).

I am thankful for: Naps on Sundays. They are just so peaceful.

From the kitchen: Simple meals. Tonight hamburger and fries, tomorrow pizza with friends and then conies on Wednesday. Wednesday night will be time to plan for the next two weeks. I should try something new...any suggestions?

I am wearing: Yellow...I need a little brightness on this miserable day.

I am reading: Rondell and I are preparing to lead the discussion in our Crown study, so I'm making sure I'm ready and prepared.

I am hoping: to have a little bit of sun this week.

I am creating: a plan for Jamison's tea party on Wednesday. I want it to be simple yet cute.

I am hearing:'s always quiet on Monday mornings.

Around the house: So much Spring cleaning to do and only 3 more weeks till I would like for it to be all done. I'm making a master list today of things that still need to be done.

One of my favorite things: Naps

A few plans for the rest of the week: Tomorrow some friends are coming for pizza, Thursday we lead the discussion at Crown and Saturday Jamison starts soccer again.

What's on your mind?

Friend Makin Monday

I don't know how she does it but Kasey always comes up with some good ones for Friend Makin Mondays. Today we are to list 5 things that really get us fired up...mad! We wouldn't want to piss anyone off while trying to develop our friendships.

1. People who drive slow in the fast lane, especially in rush hour. I mean come on's called the fast lane for a reason...GET OVER!!!
2. People who are show boaty...always talking about what they have and how much it is.
3. People who don't speak intelligently and think it's's not.
4. Rude people. I can't stand it. There is no reason that a person should be rude to another...if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing!
5. I try not to yell at my children but when it comes to whining I just lose it, especially if they've been whining all day. If there is whining when asking for something the answer will be NO!
There you have it...some things that really push my buttons. I know there are more, but these are the ones that stood out this morning.
Happy Monday!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Other Drawer Organized...Check!

I was able to use the rest of my drawer organizers to do something with my junk drawer. Now I didn't want to make it too pretty because it is a junk drawer after all, but I was tired of not being able to even open it half the time.

Here's the before:

Here's the after:

Can you believe that we have this many phone chargers??? There's also Jamison's DS charger, Ron's Palm charger and maybe one more. AHHH. Anyways, now all the pens and pencils are in one container, batteries in another and even a container for candles.

That's better!

Go here for a cool giveaway...I'm telling you there is some good stuff up for grabs.

Girls Day Out

Yesterday my mom took Jamison and I to COSI for an IMAX movie called Wild Ocean. My mom knows how much I love marine life so when she saw this she thought it would be fun for us to do (she's always so thoughtful!). We decided to take Jamison too since she loves animals.

The day was absolutely gorgeous. The movie was very interesting...we learned about the wild ocean on the shores of South Africa. Jamison is studying about Africa in school so this was nice to add to that, something she can take back to school and share.

Here are some pictures of our day:

Jamison and Gramma Lee outside COSI.

Jamison and Gramma Lee under the sign.

Me and my favorite girl (with her eyes shut!)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pay It Forward

The first time I went to Kelli's blog (not Kelli B. the other Kelli...I know we're multiplying) I saw this post. It sounded like a fun thing to do and I want to participate. The problem was that there were already three comments, so I figured I missed the boat. I left a comment anyways to introduce myself and tell her that it sounded like a fun idea.

Well the next day she emailed me and said that one of the comments asked not to be included so I was in fact the third comment. Yeah!!!

So, here's what I got in the mail:

A cute red photo album, mini notecards, a polka dot card with a note written to me, a cute key chain that has the letter K embroidered on it (sorry the picture is not so good), chocolate, a cute green beaded bracelet, a picture frame that has a magnet on the back to put on the fridge (or for work), books for the kiddies (wasn't that thoughtful?), and a carrier.

I am going to have a lot of fun with these items!

So Here's the Deal:

Be one of the first three bloggers to comment on this post. You then agree to share your snail mail address with me so I can send you a small gift. When you receive your gift, blog about this game & link back to my blog in that post. You ALSO AGREE to "pay it forward" and send a small gift to the 3 people who comment on your blog post..... Remember - only comment if you're willing to send out 3 small gifts to other people. Remember NOT to post about this game until AFTER you have received your gift!

So, those are the rules!

Leave a comment if you want to play along.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


One of the projects on my big To Do list is to redo the kids' bathroom. Right now it's decorated with ducks and we've had the duck theme since before Jamison was born.

I have been searching for that perfect shower curtain for months now. I've looked in stores, I've Googled, I've asked name it, I've done it. I found one shower curtain that I LOVED, but it was $65 and I just couldn't bring myself to buy it.

Yesterday, I was doing another search just hoping that someone would come out with a new line for spring or that I'd come across a site I hadn't seen before. Well, this is what I found:

It's just what I want. I wanted colorful stripes that included the color that's already on the walls so I wouldn't have to repaint. The walls are currently the light color blue that you see in the curtain. The best was only...wait for it...$6.99!!! You heard me right, six dollars and 99 cents. Now I did order it online so it could be a disaster but I think this is it and I am beyond excited.

I think I see a bathroom redo in my future!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Almost Forgot...

My mother raised me to enjoy sports and it's a good thing because Rondell is a big sports fan. Now I'm not a huge fan, but I can sit and watch a game and follow what's going on. I do LOVE football and would turn on a game even if Rondell wasn't home. I also enjoy going to baseball games a lot!

So, Rondell thought it would be fun to challenge me to a fun March Madness bracket challenge. I thought it would be fun too so I accepted the challenge. On the line...we each created a Honey Do List for the other person....things that we would want the other person to do for us.

The race was tight, but in the end I WON! Now, I know you know that the games aren't over, but I'm in the lead now and Rondell only has one team left (UNC) and I have the same team as well, so even if he got that right I'd still win.

So, I'm off to think of my Honey Do List for Ron (5 things)...hee, hee, heee!

Drawer Organization...Check!

We only have two drawers in our kitchen. Because of that all my utensils are stuck in one drawer and the other drawer is a junk drawer (doesn't everyone have a junk drawer?). The utensil drawer had gotten out of control and I needed something to maintain order.

When I was in Target the other day I saw these trays that were different sizes and I thought it would help. I don't have a before picture because I never think of it until I'm in the middle of the project...ugh! Just picture stuff everywhere and having things not very easy to find.

Here's the final result:

Now this may not seem super organized to you but to me it's lovely. I got the wooden organizer cleaned out (this was already in the drawer). Next to it is one of the containers that now has all of the kids' forks and spoons as well as my Pampered Chef bag clips. Next to that are things I use more often...brownie spatula, potato/apple peeler, can opener... Behind that I put all of my serving items and spreaders in a container, so that I could have easy access to them. Then, you can't see, but behind the wooden organizer is another container that has items I don't use as often, garlic press, zester, cork screw... This is much better!
Here's my next project...Caleb's room:

I've done some of the cleaning already, but here's his closet where his Little People sets will go. I bought some of those canvas containers for his toys and in one I put all of his Little People. It's so nice to have a place for them.

Here's a shot of some of his toys. Like I said the Little People sets will go in his closet, to be pulled out when he wants to play. I also need to figure something out to organize all of the books he has...maybe a big basket.

This is the wall where I'll put his life verse. It's right next to his door.

Thanks for stopping by!