This past Friday we went to cheer on one of Jamison's first grade teachers (and eat hot dogs for a dime!). Mr. Boulware recently started coaching the local high school's baseball team. Jamison is not in his class but the three teachers work very closely together and basically interact with all of the students.
Judah on Trial
1 day ago
What a fun time! And really, who can pass up hot dogs for a dime:)
I think I read hot dogs for a dime, like 5 times, just to make sure that I read that right!
Looks like the kids had a great time.
how fun!!! seriously, the hot dogs... what a steal of a deal!
That was the sweetest thing. I love that they made signs to cheer them on. Cute. Great price on the dogs. Wow
Woo, woo! Go Kilbourne! :)My little sibs go there, so I have to be a fan! ;)
What a great time! I love the kids cheering section, how cute :) Mmmm...ball game hot dogs are the best! They were grilling them at baseball practice the other night and I wanted one so bad! :) I'm gonnan get one next time, though! Glad you all had a great time :)
What a fun evening!
I bet the kids will remember doing that forever!!!
"Caleb cared more about throwing the dirt through the fence."
Kelli, I cannot help it... I love him!!!! Love.
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