Monday, May 24, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook - Monday, May 24, 2010

For today...

Outside my window...sunny and bright.  While we were gone it rained like crazy (and we could tell by the length of our grass), so I'm glad that we came back to sunshine.

I am thinking...about all of the things that need to be done this week to get back to normal.  And now that vacation is over I really need to get back into doing the things I love and things I want to card making, sewing, organizing.  I have to be more obedient about these things.  I did reorganize my hall closet and that was very refreshing.

I am praying...still for my children (they really revealed some things to me over vacation and I can see some of our parenting techniques need to be adjusted), for me to be less anxious and for obedience.

I am thankful...for a wonderful vacation and a safe trip all around.

I am's bringing out my tan :)

I am reading...Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire.  Great book about improving your prayer life.  We are reading it together as a Small Group.  I haven't given up on reading the Bible though.  I plan to jump back in this week.

From the kitchen...last night I made baked ziti.  We'll also have chicken tetrazzini, burgers on the grill...I need to finish my meal plan.

Around the much still to unpack and put away.  Luckily we came home with all clean clothes (I washed them all at the condo before coming home...they had a really nice washer/dryer).  I have a ton of weeds to pull because of all the rain.

A few plans for the rest of the week...get things back to normal, work on my post about our vacation, start looking for a new (to us) car for Rondell, meet up with my Small Group ladies to discuss the Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire book and plant some flowers.

What's in your daybook


Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

What a nice daybook! Mine is posted here:

carissa said...

hope you have a great week that's full of getting things back in order after the vacay! that's always the hardest part about being gone. i admire you for evaluating your parenting and being humble enough to make changes where necessary! i desire to be like that... i've just begun but i feel so clueless at times... thank the Lord for His wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice vacation. Hope you have a great week!

He & Me + 3 said...

Getting things back to normal after a long trip is often difficult. Good luck this week. Yum to baked Ziti. Yea for sunshine too. We have some as well.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Yeah for nice vacations - glad you had fun!

KTW said...

Hope your vacation has you feeling rejuvenated!
Good parenting means being willing to reassess when needed. You are a VERY GOOD mommy. :)
Would you like to come to my house and plan my weekly menu, too? Oh....and maybe cook it all??? ;) I spend most every spring playing catch-up because of the kids' ball schedules. I envy your organization.
Happy weeding! :)

Kelli W said...

I'm so jealous that you came home with all clean clothes! I never do that after vacation...and I have a ton of dirty clothes now and we have been at home:) Burgers on the grill sound really good! I hope you have a great week!

Angie said...

so glad you are back...

weeds are never ending in my flower beds. ughh! kind of like laundry.

can't wait to see some vaca pics :)

Together We Save said...

Love the day book! Glad you had a nice vacation.

J.J. said...

have fun getting back to normal! I love green. it is my favorite color.

Carrie said...

ugh...nothing like getting back to reality after vacation! We'll be getting ready to leave soon...I might just have to take a bloggy break ;) I just saw you and Kelli got to meet...that is so FUN! Glad you had such a fun trip and made it home safe!

jaydee said...

Kelli, welcome back. Sounds like you had a fabulous vacation. Spending quality time away from home sounds like it was really great for all of you. It's a wonderful thing when your children feel safe enough - and loved enough - to share things with you like that. It shows what great parents you actually are that they can tell you - and you listen!