Outside my window...Cool and sunny. We woke up to frost this morning. So odd for this time of year.
I am thinking...home maintenance. There are a few things we need to do around the house and I need to plan them out. As soon as school is out I think we're going to get started on the kitchen...painting the walls and the cabinets. I also need to check around on prices for painting the trim of our house.
I am praying...to relax.
I am thankful...for my Pandora bracelet that my wonderful husband bought me for Mother's Day. I got the bracelet only and over time we'll add charms...I can't wait.
I am reading...1 Chronicles! Yes, that's right I'm out of 2 Kings and into another book...finally. I'm not doing as well with the reading as I had hoped but I'm gonna to keep pressin' on!
From the kitchen...leftovers...we grilled out yesterday and I made mac & cheese, baked beans and salad. It will make for yummy leftovers tonight. I think we'll also have breakfast for dinner one day.
Around the house...I need to clean the carpets and continue to get rid of our clutter. This weekend I pulled out summer clothes and started putting away winter clothing (even though we may still need long sleeve shirts for a bit with this crazy weather).
A few plans for the rest of the week...not a lot...enjoying each other.
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It was kind of cool here this morning too...but by cool I mean lower 60's:) We have been trying to work on a bunch of stuff around the house lately too. If Jason could more than a few hours off work every weekend we might be able to finish something!
Ok, what is a Pandora bracelet! It's kind of cool today...I want my hot weather back!
I went googling about the Pandora bracelets after seeing you post about it the other day...beautiful! I can't wait to see what yours turns out like.
We have weird weather here today also. A bit windy and overcast! I'm okay with it, but ready for the sunshine!!
Have a great week and send me some mac and cheese...sounds good for lunch right about now!
so happy you are spending your week enjoying one another! i'm convinced that that is the best way to spend any day!!! : )
have fun with all the home projects... it will feel great to get things checked off your to do list!
leftovers sound yummy! i wish our leftovers sounded that good! ha!
We have had a lot of cool, wet weather too. More than usual here, and I'm tired of it! :) Sounds like you had a very nice Mothers Day.
A Pandora Bracelet? Lucky girl. Those are so beautiful. I need my carpets cleaned too...but they were just cleaned a month ago. Darn rain & mud.
LOVE the bracelet. Do you have your eye on your first charm? Hard to choose!
yes...what is going on with the weather? Another COLD baseball game this evening, crazy! Guess we're not quite ready to put away all the long sleeves :( A Pandora Bracelet sounds lovely! It will be so nice to add special charms to it! Hope you share pics, so sweet! Have a wonderful week...and it's so hard to relax sometimes...can't wait for summer!
Almost you vacay!
Leftovers are awesome for Mondays! I never feel like cooking. I love those Pandora bracelets!!! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!♥
I love your bracelet!
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