Outside my window...sunny and REALLY humid. It rained pretty much all weekend and the humidity is out of control. Yesterday I told Rondell that this would be a great time to be in AZ!
I am thinking...about the oil spill. I'm thinking of all of the people who are going to be affected by it as well as how it will affect the trip we have planned to Destin this year. I am sad that it could mean that we won't be able to go to the beach, but it feels silly to be so sad about it when people's entire lives will be affected. I'm praying to keep in all in perspective...and listen to my mother and husband who say it will still be a great time. It's not all about me...
I am praying...about how to respond to the message I heard at church yesterday.
I am thankful...that Rondell made dinner last night!
I am wearing...green...with my cute dangle green earrings.
I am reading...2 Kings yup, still there. I honestly haven't made the time to commit to reading this week. I am also finishing up the book of John this week with BSF.
From the kitchen...lasagna (that's what Rondell made last night). I don't have any meal plans for this week, sigh.
Around the house...I've been doing bits of Spring cleaning here and there but I've decided that I need a better plan of attack. I've decided that I need to tackle an entire area at a time. Last night I broke the house down into areas and tomorrow I will start with the living/dining area.
A few plans for the rest of the week...nothing...we have no real plans. We'll probably play outside, clean, work in the yard and just spend some time together...sounds lovely!
How does your daybook look? Share!
it's so humid here too!!! my hair is not excited about it. hopefully destin will still be grand! green is my favorite color - i know you look super cute!
Sometimes no plans are the best! Whether it means wingin' it for dinner or just hangin' out in the evenings...sounds good to me. :) Hope your week is blessed!
It has been so humid here too...my hair is HUGE! I hope the oil doesn't make it to the beaches, especially Destin! I know you are looking forward to your vacation:)
the humidity makes my hair crazy! blah! I have an afternoon meeting today or I'd be in the pool! :) I really need to get started on the yard work...so many flowers I can't wait to plant but lots of weeding still to do :( I was thinking about florida too with the oil spill. We won't be going this summer to Madeira :( but Dan's family still is and hoping it won't affect them...but it's in July. It's hard when you've been looking forward to it for so long...I know it will still be great! Have a great week! I have no dinner plans either...three baseball games this week and practice...Culver's tonight! haha! The kids get a free scoop of custard when they were their school shirts :)
Sunny and humid here too. I think we have the same weather almost every Monday:) How nice to have hubs cook.
Praying for the oil spill too.
I spent the morning organizing my week, and I feel so much more on top of things.
Just FYI, I'm coming to you from AZ, and it may hit 100 this week. Not the time to come, sorry to tell you. But maybe in October it will be nice again . . .
Yes, we haven't been affected just yet, but then again, I haven't been reading up on our news. All I know is that we'll be hitting up the beach this week before it hits. I'm NOT looking forward to it.
Your trip will still be a blessing, I'm sure. Just keep up that mentality.:)
The humidity here is horrible! Of course it will be like this now for the rest of the summer...sigh...
I have been praying that the oil doesn't come this way...but then I think, wow, I should be praying that the oil just goes away. Like that will happen on it's own, but prayer for those behind the spill to get up off their rumps and figure this mess out!
Y'alls trip will be great, none the less!! And I can't wait to come and hang out!
I figured out today that I must have ADD. I have made a huge to do list to tackle before Thursday and went to the kitchen to get busy and ended up doing something entirely different! Ugh...I have got to stay on track.
It does sound lovely to have no plans...just whatever happens! I LOVE it when Michael cooks, but he usually leaves me a big mess to clean up unless he cooks on the grill. I don't think he would have the slightest idea as to how to make lasagne! Go Rondell!
Hope your week is wonderful!!♥
great post. its super humid here after ALL our rain (im in nashville & we are mostly flooded)
p.s. I have a new silver earring giveaway I think you might like! www.wild-and-precious.com
what a nice post! isn't it great that spring is finally here in Ohio? loving it!
I'm loving green right now too... I had on my bright green flipflops yesterday. Looking down at them made me smile :-)
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