Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy 2009!

I don't make resolutions, but I'm at a point now where I feel like I need to make a change. So, in 2009 there are some things that I'd like to put into action:

- Be inspired by Christ
- Study the Bible more (more than just reading but really learning and applying)
- Lose weight
- Love my family more and make them the highest (under God) priority
- Organize and maintain my home (you gotta check out the attached blog post!)
- Read more
- Make less To Do lists, and DO more! **Of course, I will still be maintaining my lists because without them I would be lost but I want to cross off more and spend more time doing than writing.
OK, so now it's in writing... I would like to update on this list over time, talking about my studies, weight loss, fun things with family, home organization, etc. I think this will be fun!
What are you going to do?


schwadette said...

LOVE your list! I know you are going to accomplish those things and SO much more! :) I don't have my official list yet - I have too many things and need to narrow it down. maybe i'll start a blog.... any hints or suggestions??

Kelli said...

Can I get an Amen? I think these are all things I'm trying to do as well this year, except the losing weight will have to start after the baby is born. =) I think that as long as we're striving to serve and love Christ in every way of our lives (we won't be perfect), He will honor that. Good for you Kel!