First, on Saturday morning I had a cookie exchange to go to. Have you ever been to one of these? They are wonderful. You make a couple dozen cookies (more depending on the host and the number of people involved) and you come home with a couple dozen cookies. This was the second year that Lyndsey and her mom have had their cookie exchange. This year I made frosted sugar cookies. They turned out really well if I do say so myself. We had good food, good company and went home with cookies...can't get much better than that. AND, they even had prizes. Those two are so cute.

Here's me with the hostess, Lyndsey.

My mom came too...don't we look cute?

I brought drinks and I tried to be cute by adding the red ribbon.

Here are the cookies that I made. I had some with red frosting too...festive! The ones to the right of mine are the ones that my mom made, jam thumb prints.

I thought this cookie jar was SO cute.

Here's Lyndsey's husband's cousin's wife (follow me?). She had on the cutest headband, so I took her picture.
That night was Rondell's dad's family's Christmas party. Rondell's dad and his siblings get together and put on this huge dinner. It is so nice of them to do! This year they had a kids' table all set up with crayons, coloring books and toys. We ate late, but the food was really good.

The happy couple.

Here is Jamison in the outfit that she could not wait to wear!

Three generations. Here's Rondell's dad, who Caleb is named after. Everyone calls him Randy but his name is Caleb.

Jamison and her cousins.
On Sunday our Small Group had its Christmas party. The first time Rondell and I went to our Small Group, it was for the Christmas party. That was four years ago!
My friend Jodie and I put everything together. We had it at her house and she made all the food and I helped with the favors and setting up. We had such a great time. It was very comfortable and casual. I brought a word scramble with Bible books. It was SO hard. Everyone had a good time trying to figure it out...Nahum was one of the books and I had never heard of that one.

I was so sad because my camera was acting up so I had to steal these pictures from Jodie. Next year I'll have it together.
Yes, it's about time. So, I guess the super long post makes up for the lack of a Wordless Wednesday. Kiss the kiddies!!!
Jamison's outfit is adorable! I love the tights and the color!
Have a Merry Christmas, my bloggy friend!
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