Rondell and I found out the answer to that question over the weekend. I've wanted to clean under both places for a few weeks now and we finally got around to it on Sunday...and man, oh man, the stuff you find! I will never wait this long again...lesson
Brace's what we discovered under the stove (can you hear the
Psycho music playing...I can):

Baby toys (Caleb is 3 so you know how long that's been under there), noodles, Teddy Grahams, etc. It was bad...but now:

It looks like this.
Whew!It was the same situation underneath the fridge (cue the music):

Jamison's art work, paper bowls, magnets, dust, etc.

Ahh, much
Do you know what's under your fridge & stove?
UGH!!!! Now I am definitely NOT going to look under mine!
Wow... looks great! I'm afraid if I pull mine back something will just jump out and eat me! This is a great reminder to schedule some time to clean those forgotten places in my house! Thanks Kelli.
I don't know, but now I don't want to know!!! EW.
I don't want to know what is under mine:) I know there are some spaghetti noodles for sure. They always seem to fall in the space between the stove and the countertop!
I know all too well the "special finds" you see when you move the stove and fridge to clean. It is amazing what accumulates there.
So glad you accomplished what you set out to do.
It's amazing how many items get lost and how much dirt and dust find their way underneath one's stove and fridge! I'm due to check both of mine out! Yours look soo nice and clean now! That's the way I like seeing and having mine look!
Have a great day!
I don't even want to know what's under mine! You're a brave girl :)
That looks so much better. You are a brave brave soul!
Oh, I don't even want to know what mine looks like. I definitely MUST do a clean sweep under the stove and refrigerator this weekend! I know a month or so ago, we had to pull out the washer and dryer and it looked a lot like the pics you posted!
Good job on the clean-up! Hope you're having a great week so far!♥
Oh my...are you in my house? When we painted our kitchen and moved our appliances out, it was just like that! It's amazing how much junk gets under there.
Wow girly that looks awesome you really spit shined that floor. Good for you. I still need to move my stove, but I am afraid.
I'm with Becca I'm not gonna look under mine either! Especially after just doing the washer and dryer a few days ago. I gotta rest a bit...LOL!
I know...I actually just pulled our stove out last was just the same...if not worse! the cats play with Emily's little Barbie accessories and we found alot of those under there! It's amazing how that happens...and I'm sure it will happen again! :) It looks great!
Wow! I need to do the same thing, but I don't know if I can muster up the courage!
No I don't, and I think you're extremely brave to post this.
Once the same thing happened to me and now I'm NEUROTIC about cleaning behind and under the fridge! ;)
I tagged you! stop on over for details!
Absolutely nothing cause I pulled mine both out about a month ago (with the washer and dryer) when I was spring cleaning. I clean them out every year because it just gets terrible.
You did good girl!
Oh, my what hard work you have done. Sorry I think I will leave what is under our fridge to the imagination.
Hope you have a fabulous day!
Kelli.... you want to come look under mine? I'm too scared:-)
OH man, I am now feeling the need to do this....EWWWWWW! I may have nightmares tonight.
Too funny! We need to pull ours out, we're missing like 7 of my son's fridge phonics pieces!
Oh my! Do you know when the last time I cleaned under the stove was? Never! We've lived here six years! How aweful is that? I guess I better put that on the list for this weekend.
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