Outside my window...beauty! The sun is shining, the sky is clear (for the most part) and the temperature is cool. We had a gorgeous weekend and this week is looking just a nice (with just a few rainy days).
I am thinking...about Jamison's first day back at school after Spring Break...I know she's excited to go back and to see her friends.
I am thankful for...all of the help that my mom gives us with our yard. She is so knowledgeable and works in our yard just as hard (if not a little more) than we do. I looked this morning at all of the work that we did yesterday and I can't say that my yard would look the same without her.
I am remembering...an old friend of my mom's. She past away recently and I went to her memorial on Saturday. She was someone I had know my entire life and I am remembering various things about her...her love of jazz, the time she accidentally burned me with her cigarette (I never let her live it down), eating Tommy's pizza at her house, her love for gardening, etc.
I am reading...2 Kings...that's right people, I finally finished Beth's book and I'm back to reading through the Bible. I'll recap some highlights of Beth's book this week...I highly recommend it.
I am hoping...for a productive week.
From the kitchen...tacos (we had those last night), chicken & dumplings (Aunt Roni agreed to make them), roast and mac & cheese, chili dogs and homemade pizza. Menu planning is back!
Around the house...so much to do. I have not been as dedicated to deep cleaning inside (it's been too nice outside) and I really need to get down to business.
A few plans for the rest of the week...BSF tonight, yard work, deep cleaning the kitchen and maybe Family Night on Friday.
How is your day...please share?
Hello, Kelli! It is a beautiful day here, too! :) I have lots of laundry to do and I'll be hanging out towels today. LOVE days like this.
I think your mom is super sweet to help you guys with your yard. :) The Hubster and I have kicked it into gear when it comes to the yard and the gardens now. We stay so busy with Little League (both kids) in the spring that yard work is kind of rushed most of the time. It'll get better as the season moves on.
Sorry about your mom's friend. :( That is never easy.
Hope the rest of your week is smooth sailing! :)
My mom is a great helper with my yard too. She helps me with ideas and sometimes the manual labor part.
The weather here is great and should be all week! It makes me so happy! IT's crazy how the weather can make us so happy :)
Have a great week...I'm keeping your mom in my prayers.
so glad you get to eat those dumplings! ; ) cheers to finishing the book! i'm thankful for all the help my mom gives with babysitting - she's a lifesaver! hope your week is productive!
Mom's are incredible! So glad your Mom helped you with the yard.
Our weather is awesome too! We absolutely love it and are trying to enjoy each an every minute of it.
We are back to life as usual with our fun weekend behind us.
Have a great week!
The weather has been gorgeous here for the past few days! We are supposed to have sunny skies this week too:) I really need to start menu planning...all your menus always sounds so yummy! I hope you have a great week!
I can't wait to hear your re-cap of Beth's book. We finished one of her studies a few weeks ago, and I'm totally missing her :) We'll start another soon, but until then I'm working on another study all by my lonesome, and it's just not the same.
Yay for beautiful weather and a mom who helps in the yard! Score! :)
Happy Monday Kelli!
Sounds like a good week! I am back on meal planning too. I am about to head off to the grocery store.
I am hoping to work in my yard this week. The snow has finally melted off. I hope it is warm!
We had tacos yesterday after lunch. So good. ;-)
Have a great day!
This weather is perfect! I love it! We plan on opening our pool this month! yay! Sorry to hear about your family friend...it's never easy to lose someone, but it's wonderful to keep them alive through memories! Deep cleaning...blah! Sounds like some yummy meals and a great week! Happy monday!
Kelli - reminds me of England here. No sun. lots of clouds. and it's chilly! :-) Mind you, lots of little green shoots and the birds are singing. The rabbits were chasing each other around the garden this morning. I guess spring really has arrived!
have a fabulous week, my friend.
my kids went back today too. The weather outside here was gorgeous too. Loving it. I have so much to do around the house but this week will be dedicated to running Stunt Man here and there to dentists and doctors. Ugh. That boy.
Busy day here- up early to get the kids to school and a PTA luncheon, up to school to make PTA fundraising flyers for 900 kids, and rushed home to get the kids form the bus. No momma & ian time today :(.
Glad you are having nice weather!
I need to read the new Beth Moore book. love this post. Really cute blog!
Nicole visting from http://lettersfromcoco.blogspot.com/
Hope you're having a great productive week so far!!♥
I so agree with you that it is so hard to stay inside when it is so nice outside. Also the longer days make for very short nights indoors. Thus that is why I am so behind on blogging.
Have a great day!
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