I've lost my blogging mojo. Does that happen to you? I'm still reading interesting material on other blogs, but I've got nothing...no crafts going on (I must pull out my sewing machine and my stamps!), I haven't been working on any projects (well, my yard...ooh, maybe I should post about that!), and just not much to update on in general.
BUT, I'm working on getting it back because I love blogging way too much to let some lack of mojo get me down. You need me...right?
Judah’s Sins Denounced
7 hours ago
I know just what you mean! I haven't had anything good...we just seem to be doing the same week after week! It's okay, we miss you, but know you're still there :) Life needs to happen too :) And there's always that darn laundry :( Enjoy these quiet moments!
Kelli. one of the great things I love about coming to your blog - its a place of calm and normalcy in my sometimes nutty day. I come to hear about you and the family and the things you are doing. I hope your mojo comes back soon.. .but remember we just want to hear about you and what's happening in your life. We love it - no pressure on what you should write about or show us. We just love you doing what you do!
i've lost mine too!!! i think kiddos, laundry, dishes and cleaning house can often zap all my energy for anything else!
We definitely need ya! :) I'm always losing my mojo. You just have to keep plowin' through :) I may not post as often, or maybe I just post a lot of pictures {actually, that's all I ever do!}. Don't go! :)
I hear ya! I'm still trying to find my way around the world of blogging... still trying to decide if I like investing the time it takes. I always love checking in with you and seeing how those kids are doing! I do hope you find what works for you...
I have phases like that too! Yes, we do need you. I get really bummed if I don't check in with the blogs.
We DO miss you. It's hard with real life to keep up with blogs too!
I have missed seeing your creativity! I have lost my mojo more than once, or I have just been too lazy to do anything or blog about it:) I hope you get it back soon...I'm still waiting to see some of your SUPER sewing skills!
I get that way too you will get it back :D
You are needed-but no stress-do blogging at the pace you want, or can,
Love, me!
Oh, the dreaded "lack of mojo" blues. I think we bloggers all get that sometime. Be patient, it will come back to you.
I have had the same feelings! Come on back when you can...we'll all be here!
We all have our ups and downs with blogging. The downs aren't much fun, but just think...you have the ups to look forward to! :) You'll be back soon with some fantastic post about all the creative stuff you've been doing and we'll all smile and say "Kelli's mojo came back!" :)
Count it a blessing that God is giving you a time of REST. :)
I know. I only post about my kids...boring to most. :) So there are days I am struggling because really? One more picture of my kids and a follower is gonna scream. LOL
Some weeks are like that:)
I have so lost mine- if you find yours, can you help me find mine??????
Oh yes we definitely need you☺ I've been on a bit of an anti blogging bit lately too. As in I do my own and then turn off the computer. Terrible I know, but the warmer weather has been calling me and ER is going through a real difficult phase. She's been having a lot more tantrums and crying fits. So I've been spending a lot more time getting her out to the park and in the sunshine. I think that improves everyone's frame of mind.
oh i hope your mojo comes back!
if they were to ever give out awards of who is so faithful with her posts, family, and commenter - it would be YOU that would take the award, hands down!
take care. enjoy your break - tho!
Oh my blogging mojo has gone bye-bye for sure. I'm trying, but it's hard! And I've been so busy that I haven't kept up with my reading blogs! oy!
I need you and I miss you and we'll BOTH get it together soon. right?
Same here but mostly just from a lack of time and brain power. So exhausted....boo!
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