Outside my window...mostly cloudy with mild temperatures. It's supposed to rain today and then tomorrow we're supposed to have sunshine!
I am praying...for no distractions.
I am thinking...about how I did not take any pictures this weekend...sigh. It was a really nice weekend filled with egg hunts, praising God, and playing outside.
I am thankful for...my mother-in-law dying eggs with my kids because it is not one of my favorite things to do, which is strange because my mom and I did it all the time when I was little and I loved it.
I am reading...the end of So Long Insecurity...finally. I have truly been a slow reader lately.
I am hoping...to get together with my friend Tonya this week.
From the kitchen...hamburgers on the grill, enchilada bake and soon I need to convince my aunt to make some chicken & dumplings.
Around the house...So, I bought this new cleaner for the kitchen (mainly because of the scent), but it is not getting the deep cleaning job done. My friend Georgia recommend Ivory dish soap and I'm going to try that this week!
A few plans for the rest of the week...continue working on cleaning up the yard, deep clean the kitchen (that might have to wait until the weekend), and hopefully see my mom (hi mom!).
Share with me your daybook!
I got some good posed pictures, but not many random shots this weekend! I used to love dyeing eggs too...but this year I just wasn't into it. We only had 15 eggs in the house, so the boys only got to dye 5 each! Kind of sad, but we were busy and they had fun anyway! I hope you get some sunshine soon...it is gorgeous here today:) Have a great week Kelli!
I hear ya on the dyeing eggs. I love that the girls love it, but it's messy and stain-y, and a lot of work and clean up for such short-lived fun :) Hope you enjoy your sunshine tomorrow!!
What a great day/weekend it sounds like! :) I was glad to have my Hubby's parents & grandparents that were here this weekend do the egg dyeing with my kids too! LOL!! Today it's nice & sunny outside so we'll be taking the kids to the park after Hubby gets home from work, and I'm also going to be working on getting laundry done (ugh!) and some house projects too (fun!). Have a great day :)!
Thanks for sharing from your daybook. It is sunny & beautiful here.
I wish you could invite me to dinner. hehe Sounds delish. Glad you had a great weekend. And thank God for Mothers sometimes doing the tasks we don't want to.
Ohhhh yum! Burgers on the grill...sounds so good!
Funny that you too are praying for no distractions...well, not funny, but you know what I mean. I too am praying for the same thing. I have so much to do and I get side tracked so easily!
Have a great week.
Sounds like you guys had a good Easter! Your menu sounds yummy this week...I've seen Enchilada-something-or-another on several people's menus this week...I think I need to make a trip to the store and add it to my menu! ;)
Hope you are having a great Monday!♥
I'm praying you had a blessed Easter weekend.
God bless!
i adore these posts!!! i so need to read "So Long Insecurity!" (sorry, i think i've told you that before... but everytime you mention it, i'm always like, oh yes that book is for me!) yumm, chicken and dumplings sound good... i might have to add them to our dinner menu this week!
Kelli...no pictures!? :) haha! Glad you had a nice weekend and so nice to get out in the yard! I need to plan some dinner this week, yours sounds good! Boy do I ever need to do some deep cleaning! I did get the laundry sorted...but still not put away...baby steps! haha! Loving this weather...we had a sligh thunderstorm this evening...but so warm out! Take care...have a great week!
Oh the BBQ grill. We finally broke ours out this weekend. Poor thing we probably over used it as we cooked hamburgers and steaks this weekend. Oh, how I love spring and summer!
Have a great Monday!
What a great weekend! (That is funny about the egg dye...) :)
I'm going to the So Long Insecurity simulcast on April 24th. Is your church doing it too?
I don't like dyeing eggs either!
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