Outside my window...cold, cold, cold and over a foot of snow. While I try and stay positive I have come to the conclusion that I just don't like winter. At least the sun is shining and the sky is blue!
I am thinking...about my kids and how I can't believe that I forgot two very good friends' birthdays.
I am thankful...for all of you (so be sure to check out this post).
I am praying...for my Small Group.
I am reading...The Bible. I've decided to participate in the "Bible in 90 days" challenge. Right now I'm on day 8...in Leviticus.
I am creating...Valentine's Day cards and candy boxes. Jamison and I have a date this week with some Valentine's Day paper to make cards for her school friends.
From the kitchen...this weekend we made homemade pizza for the first time. It didn't turn out the way we would have liked, but now we know what to do for next time. Anybody have a great pizza dough recipe you want to share with your good friend Kelli?
Around the house...chaos, or at least that's the way it feels. We were snowed in most of the weekend and we took advantage & had some great family time. We played the Wii a lot! It was a great time for us, but the house suffered...at least the dishes are clean!
One of my favorite things...Jamison's enthusiasm about going to church. Some days it's her excitement that keeps me motivated.
A few plans for the rest of the week...make Valentine's Day cards, pick my next house tackle (I'll show you my cabinets tomorrow), and plan a Valentine's Day social that I am semi-hosting (anyone have any fun Valentine's Day games that aren't too cheesy?).
Come on...fill in your daybook!
I don't care for the snow, either... sigh. Not one bit. And we have more coming tomorrow. I too am thankful for the sun and blue sky today!
It was really cold and windy here Saturday, so the boys and I worked on their Valentine's and their boxes to take to school! I can't wait to see what yours look like. I've only made "homemade" pizza with premade crust, but I do think that some chains will sell you just a round of dough to make your own pizza at home!
what happened to the pizza dough?! Josh can give you his recipe! And I thought about leaving a comment for your giveaway and then thought, I am sure you would rather give your giveaway to someone you don't see everyday! That almost feels like cheating! :)
I'm not at home right now but as soon as my computer is up and running again I'd be happy to share my pizza crust recipe with you. I make them often and everyone loves them. I've even gotten pretty good at tossing it in the air! :)
Fabulous daybook entry. I agree with you about the snow. It is snowing again like crazy here. I don't even think our last snow has melted yet and now we are getting more. Oh, how I can't wait to see my tulips in full bloom.
Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
I've always wanted to read the Bible the whole way through. You'll have to keep us posted.
And I'm horrible at remembering birthday. A lot of my friends are turning 30 this year and I hope I don't forget one!
I'm a total slacker when it comes to pizza dough. I just by the stuff in the dairy section and lay it out on my pizza stone. My hubby can make some mean pizza dough, but I think he buys the envelope in the baking section with the brownies and cookies and stuff.
I'm thankful that spring is near, this weather is for the birds.
Hi Kelli
I dont have a recipe for pizza dough to share with you... but i do have one suggestion.... make sure you have a pizza stone.... having one of these in the oven really helps to cook the pizza base - better than anything ive ever used
big hugs
It is so precious when our little guys enjoy church. As parents, it's our prayer that they continue this excitement throughout their lives. Hope you guys enjoy your mother/daughter date!
Yes...we were kind of snowed in too...Dan went out, but I didn't leave the house Friday through Sunday! We are to get more tonight! The house sure suffered here too...the kids play so well when we're home...but they sure make a mess! Take care and enjoy your craft time! :)
Hi, Kelli! Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog. I appreciate it and you so much.
I apologize for being a day late commenting on your Daybook. After I posted mine yesterday, everything just broke loose and then, I was out last night. In short, it was a Monday!
One note on your Daybook... I am thankful for you as well. You have NO idea! I believe I never would have started blogging had I not happened on your blog, so again, thank you! You're one amazing lady!
Have a great day and God bless!
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