Monday, February 1, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook - February 1, 2010

For today...

Outside my window...sunny and COLD. I'm not a fan of the cold but I sure do love this sunshine!

I am this week is going to be better than last week.

I am thankful...for God's grace!

I am praying...for friends and family going through rough times.

I am reading...The Bible for Dummies. Ha! I picked it up at the 1 Spot at Target. It's this tiny booklet, but it has some interesting information. I'm also still reading through John (with BSF) and Genesis (with my Small Group).

I am Corinne Bailey Rae. I just rediscovered her's lovely.

I am creating...Valentine's Day stuff. Last night I made the pieces for a banner. I need to get some eyelets to tie it all together. I also need to start on my Valentine's Day cards...I have a few drafts sketched out of what I want to do.

From the kitchen...Finally, a meal plan. This week we are having baked ziti, appetizers, chicken tetrazzini and homemade pizza!

Around the house...I'm thinking of doing a write down each area or room in my house that needs tackling and list each thing that needs to be done. Then I'd like to tackle one area/room each week until it's all done (good thing I don't have a big house). I think the first tackle will be the kitchen cabinets. I need to organize them and have a better system. Then I think it'll be the 1/2 bath.

Oh, and the kids' bath is done (well, Rondell has two more letters to hang) and I'll show you the results tomorrow!

One of my favorite things...Friends! Yesterday Rondell and I were able to see some friends we don't get to see that often...Robert and Amanda. Their little girl, Abigail, had a birthday party and they invited us. Jamison and Abigail are so much alike and get along really well. It was fun to see them and catch up.

A few plans for the rest of the week...tomorrow is one of the most anticipated events of 2010...The LOST season premier!!!!!!!!! I'm going to see a friend who just had a baby on Wednesday. That's it! It will be a relaxing week.

What's going on with you today...share here.


Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

I plan on making my tackle list this week as well! Because things are slow at the store right now, I am off for 6 days in a row starting on Wed. So I am thinking I could really make a good dent in it. Hope you have great success in crossing things off your list!

Emily said...

I CANNOT WAIT FOR LOST! Ok, and now that that's out of the way...I love your tackle idea. I organize my kitchen cabinets all the time. I just feel like I can't function amid clutter.

Kelli W said...

It was sunny here this weekend...and I think it is supposed to stick around for a few more days! I am so makes the cold more bearable! I can not wait for LOST! I am excited, but kind of sad that it is going to be over soon! Can't wait to see the bathroom!

schwadette said...

*scream* can you even believe it's time for LOST... FINALLY!!!!!!! WOOHOO!! :)

Miller Racing Family said...

What a great daybook. I would love to hear more about the Bible for Dummies.
We got 6 inches of snow this weekend so we are also cold and sunny outside.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Carrie said...

I love looking forward to your really inspires me to be more productive :) I did a huge grocery trip today and hopefully plan on cooking each night! My goal is to really do better meal planning. And...I need to organize the closets and cabinets! ugh! It's so stressful!Well...I also picked up a Cricut today at Walmart...not on my list! I'm afraid to take it out of the box because I might take it back...such a splurge! Please tell me I should keep it and it's totally worth it ;) {gulp!} haha!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

All you Losties are making me feel left out, LOL!

~ Sarah

Angie said...

In a previous post you mentioned Aldi? We are getting one excited. I hope I spelled it right. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.

I was at Target earlier, but I didn't see the Bible booklet, but lost of other ones. They are fun sized.

Enjoy your relaxing week!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

LOL! I think of you every time I hear or see a promo for Lost! :)

There are several projects that I need to finish up and I am feeling overwhelmed by them today.

(My word verification is "cowface" ...I am trying hard not to take it personally. What the heck?!)