Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Touched, Really!

Today I received another award from my blog friend Sarah, at I Blame My Mother. I love going to her blog because she has great recipes, fun activites and she even sponsers Kid Friendly Friday where she has great crafts and has others share theirs too! You should stop by and check her out.

Here are the rules:

List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 people...tagging them and letting them know they won!

You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard letting the whole wide world know you are KREATIV!

Seven Things I Love:


2.Yellow (it's such a...say it with me...happy color)

3.Destin, Florida





Seven blogs that impress me with their creativity:

Ruby Red Slippers

This Southern Girl's Nest


Easy at Home

Tatertots and Jello

My 3 Little Schwadlings

Katie's Nesting Spot


Ruby Red Slippers said...

THANK YOU!!!! That is the cutest award-I love it! You deserve it, as well-I love your blog!!!

Sarah said...

One of the things that attracts me to your blog is the colors you use....I LOVE colors :)

Katie said...

Thanks Kelli, that's so sweet! I appreciate it. I could copy and paste your seven things right onto my post! Well except that I'd have to change Florida to somewhere else, but only because I've never been to that particular city.

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Thanks so much Kelli! You are so sweet!!! I have loved meeting you and getting to know you in this bloggy world!

I also love yellow, and of course, Target!!!! Have a super day!


Kelli said...

Aw, shucks! Thanks Kel! I enjoy your blog as well. Happy Tuesday. =)

Kelli said...

Okay, Kel. Got a question for ya. I'm trying to get a little more organized with my blog in the sense that I want to display categories on my side bar and categorize my posts according to topic. Any clue how to do this? I've tried and failed!


Kelli said...

Ooooo...shreek, smile, "hooray". Thanks for sharing how to compose categories. I'll give it a try! I have a few years of categorizing to do though so it's a bit overwhelming! Yikes. =)

Tanielle said...

Hey there! Congrats on your award! You deserve it! Yellow is my favorite!!!!!

Have a great day!

jennifer said...

whoo hoo! congrats on your award! you TOTALLY deserve it. your blog is super fun.

Joanna said...

Congrats and thank you!!

Heidi Boos said...

Target is definitely one of my LOVES... Congrats on your awards, friend!