Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Funny Jamison Story

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Go Caleb Go!


Jamison & Isabelle
The Gang: Bryce, Madeline, Isabelle, Jamison, Reese & Samuel
Our Small Group is one of the best things to happen to Rondell and I. We have developed friendships, and our kids have too! We have grown in our faith since joining this group and have had a lot of fun. We love you Small Group!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My Baby is Going to Kindergarten!

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Destin Here We Come!
Saturday, April 5, 2008

My God-daughter (that's what I'm calling her even though I have not be officially named, but I did deliver her so I'm naming myself the God-mother, wink!) Mila came over to visit us today while her mom, Marja, ran some errands and got a much needed break. She is so adorable and I can't believe that it's already been 7 months since I delivered her...OK, so I really didn't deliver her but I was in the room during the entire labor and deliver, one of the best days of my life. She is in love with Jamison, which I think is cute because I do hope that one day Jamison will be a role model for Mila. We joke that Mila and Caleb are going to be married one day because they are so close in age.
Rondell and I realized during the visit how much are are done having children. Three was OK but to do it all of the time would be a lot. Whew! She was a lot of fun to have around and I hope we didn't scare her away with all of the screaming and the "No, Caleb put that down." She's such a doll baby and I'm glad that she came over to spend the afternoon with us.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Interesting Information...Why Not
B--Best friend: Ron Deezy!
C--Cake or Pie: Pie
D--Drink of Choice: Coke
E--Essential item you use everyday: Bag Balm (for my lips)
F--Favorite Color: Yellow (it's such a happy color)
G--Gummy bears or worms: Worms!
H--Hometown: I was born in Columbus, but grew up in University Heights, Ohio (outside of Cleveland
I--Indulgence: Coke
J--January or February: This is hard because it used to be February because of Valentine's Day, but Caleb was born in January so I'm going to have to go with that.
K--Kids and names: (2) Jamison Lee and Caleb Duane
L--Life is incomplete without: my family
M--Marriage Date: June 15, 2002
N--Number of siblings: 2, Evan (17) and Toshianna (9)
O--Oranges or apples: Apples!
P--Phobias or fears: Drowning
Q--Fave quote: Just ask, all they can say is no (from my mama!)
R--Reason to smile: God, my family, my friends
S--Season: Summer
T--Tag 3 people: Just Janna
U--Unknown fact about me: I almost drowned when I was younger
V--Vegetable you don't like: Peas
W--Worse habit: Worrying
X--Xrays: Only at the dentist
Y--Your fave food: Pizza, hands down!
Z--Zodiac sign: Scorpio