Outside my window...dark and rainy. It's supposed to rain today and tomorrow but then we're supposed to have sunshine. I {heart} sunshine.
I am thinking...about my garden plans. Now that the snow has cleared (and hopefully will not be returning) I can see all that needs to be done. I've already started with some cleaning up of the yard but there is plenty more to do. My mom (my gardening partner in crime) came over this weekend to look around and to discuss our plans. This year we are planting a garden with tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. I have also been looking at some different flowers to plant [like Vinca and Allysum (sp?)].
I am thankful...for talks with my husband on the way to work. Since we carpool we have lots of time to chat, but most mornings, since it's so early, there's not a lot of conversation. But this morning we had a nice talk about plans for our home and things we want to get done this week.
I am praying...still for less distraction and for more motivation.
I am reading...So Long Insecurity...still. I should be done this week. I was also trying to read through the Bible and I realized that it was too much reading, even for me. So, I'm going to finish Beth's book and then dive back into 1 Kings. That's the plan.
I am creating...lots of stuff in my head but for some reason not in real life. I had all of these sewing and card making plans for the weekend and...nothing. That's where the prayer for motivation comes in. I need to manage my time better so that I can do the things that I love.
From the kitchen...simple meals this week and on Friday we're having Mexican food night with our friends Robert/Amanda & family. I'll be on the lookout for recipes for fajita meat.
Around the house...there are things laying on counters, on the fridge and on the microwave that need homes. That is one of the tackles Rondell and I will do this week.
A few plans for the rest of the week...continue cleaning, hanging out with the family and having dinner with great friends.
What's in your daybook...come on, you know you wanna share!
I need more motivation too! I have a ton of crafts in my head, and I have a hard time making myself sit down and work on them! I hope the sun shows up soon:)
I heart sunshine too! And how fun that you carpool with your husband. I love those {rare} moments when my husband and I get a good chat in :)
Sounds like spring has you in its grip! It always makes me want to get things done, too.
Don't know about you, but I'd like a little more sunshine instead of this cloudy/gray/rainy stuff. It makes me even more motivated to get moving when there is a little sunshine coming through the windows!
I'm so excited about your garden. I need to get started on my garden plans too. I love Vinca flowers, and I can grow them...and they live!
Good luck :)
Ugh...this weather!!! I am ready for the warmth to come back with lot's of sunshine!!
I started to get motivated yesterday during the crummy weather...it's easier to clean inside when it's bad outside...I cleaned out the pantry...so sad how much food I've wasted because it gets covered up and hidden! I threw out lots of soup and canned items and old chips and ALL the halloween candy and even Easter candy from last year! Ugh! It's nice to get a chance to talk to hubby alone too...our kids seem to interrupt alot! It can be challenging to get a word in sometimes!
I pray you are doing well, Kelli. I'm catching up on my reading for the week. Was gone all last week and unable to do a DayBook post.
Sounds to me like your DayBook is full. Mine is, too, but I need to organize it so I can get some things done.
Loved your post. God bless you! *huge hugs*
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